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product text alignment

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    product text alignment

    OK, I'm getting in a tizz!
    If you view the following 2 pages (I know the photos aren't good. working on that!) can anyone tell me why the text is so far over to the right on the pushchair page?
    They're both using the same product layout and they both have the same width photo so why is the text on the pushchair page so much further to the right than the prams page?
    What can I change to get it to line up to the left of it's allotted space, if you see what I mean!
    I've managed to align the photos to the left rather than centred but can't work out what to change where for the text.
    It'll read better in longer lines than a load of short broken sentances.
    Did some trial and error with the template but with no luck (worked for the images though!)
    Also, I always do main main product image as 250x300 (although some on site still need resizing). Is there a way of specifying this in the templates? So that the product image space is always that size, IYSWIM? That way the text space could always be right alongside those products which take up the full 250 width (some come up smaller if they are narrow by style)
    Did that make ANY sense?
    Thanks, Tracey

    another example

    This page

    How come this displays the text and photo just how I want the rest to look??!!

    Am not using "use parent" setting for layout at all so they all specify "Act_RightProductPram.html" rather than using different parent layouts, IYSWIM
    I can't understand it


      In Act_RightProductPram.html, put


      into the <td> tag that contains the product image. Then put


      into the <td> tag for the cell containing the full description.

      I've tried this with a local copy of your page and it worked.


        Thanks Chris,
        Actually played about with it a bit and changed it to 50% each for best results.
        Definitely looks a whole lot better now. Can't quite understand why it was inconsistant in the first place!
        Thanks again for your time

