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previewing site

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    previewing site

    I have searched posts and may be missing something.

    In previewing site, after making changes, before updating, whether I preview through clicking the Web button or clicking the pages with the magnifying glass - the page preview updates the preview - however, the preview catalog, does not

    Due to this, everytime I make a change which would affect most of the site, i.e., changing columns from 1 to 2 - to preview entire catalog, I need to upload it to my ftp.

    Am I missing something??? Using developer, windows XP

    Thanks a bunch
    Unique Gifts & Home Decor
    Retail/Wholesale/Drop Shipping
    Gift Baskets Gift Ideas Unique Gifts
    Retail/Drop Shipping

    I'm not quite sure that I understand but you should have 2 preview buttons on the toolbar. One to preview a single page and another one (to the right of the first) to preview the entire site. It definitely not necessary to upload the site to preview layout changes.
    Chris Brown


      preview site

      Hi Chris

      Yes, 2 buttons with magnifying glass on them - preview page and preview catalog

      Preview page shows changes to site

      Preview catalog does not. When clicking preview catalog button, it takes me to my home page, which in this case is my brochure page

      Then I click on a category to see changes and no changes are there.

      Does the same thing if I click Web in navigation bar and preview catalog through that link, therefore, if I want to preview the entire catalog and not just one page, I have to upload my site after each change to make sure it is right

      Using developer.

      Hope you can help, Chris
      Unique Gifts & Home Decor
      Retail/Wholesale/Drop Shipping
      Gift Baskets Gift Ideas Unique Gifts
      Retail/Drop Shipping


        Then I click on a category to see changes and no changes are there.
        Try the Refresh button on your Browser and see if that helps.

        Also make sure you're not following a link that actuaully takes you away from the PreviewHTML folder and to your live site. Check in the Address field of Internet Explorer.

        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Originally posted by NormanRouxel
          Try the Refresh button on your Browser and see if that helps.

          Also make sure you're not following a link that actuaully takes you away from the PreviewHTML folder and to your live site. Check in the Address field of Internet Explorer.

          Hi Norman

          I have refreshed my browser.

          Here is the URL it takes me to when I click Preview Catalog
          C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v...oot_index.html

          Any other suggestions. it really is a pain!

          Unique Gifts & Home Decor
          Retail/Wholesale/Drop Shipping

          Gift Baskets Gift Ideas Unique Gifts
          Retail/Drop Shipping


            Here is the URL it takes me to when I click Preview Catalog
            C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce ...Root_index.html
            Check you stay in PreviewHTML when you go to your product pages from there.

            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              preview catalog

              Originally posted by NormanRouxel
              Check you stay in PreviewHTML when you go to your product pages from there.

              Hi Norman

              That's exactly what is happening. It is taking me from the preview mode on my home page to my actual site on the other pages.

              How do I stay in Preview HTML when I go to product pages from home page preview?

              Unique Gifts & Home Decor
              Retail/Wholesale/Drop Shipping
              Gift Baskets Gift Ideas Unique Gifts
              Retail/Drop Shipping


                It looks like you must have hand-coded a link to your live site into your templates. Is that so?

                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  previewing site

                  Originally posted by NormanRouxel
                  It looks like you must have hand-coded a link to your live site into your templates. Is that so?

                  Hi Norman,

                  I don't think I did. Here is my site. Would you mind taking a look?

                  Unique Gifts & Home Decor
                  Retail/Wholesale/Drop Shipping
                  Gift Baskets Gift Ideas Unique Gifts
                  Retail/Drop Shipping


                    Since the problem is on your Preview pages, only you can see it. In Internet Explorer, so View and check Status Bar. This will add a bar at the bottom of IE's window.

                    Now when Previewing your site move the mouse over the various links (don't click them) , keeping your eye on the staus bar. Report any links that refer to your live site instead of the PreviewHTML folder.

                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      previewing site

                      Originally posted by NormanRouxel
                      Since the problem is on your Preview pages, only you can see it. In Internet Explorer, so View and check Status Bar. This will add a bar at the bottom of IE's window.

                      Now when Previewing your site move the mouse over the various links (don't click them) , keeping your eye on the staus bar. Report any links that refer to your live site instead of the PreviewHTML folder.

                      Hi Norman

                      Status Bar is showing. What do you mean by "report any links that refer to your live site instead of the PreviewHTML folder?

                      Unique Gifts & Home Decor
                      Retail/Wholesale/Drop Shipping
                      Gift Baskets Gift Ideas Unique Gifts
                      Retail/Drop Shipping


                        The status bar will show where each link goes to as you move the mouse about while Previewing a page.

                        When you find a link that's pointing to the wrong place (your Live Site and not the Preview Folder) then tell us about it and we can try to work out what template it's coming from.

                        Norman -
                        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                          preiewing site

                          Originally posted by NormanRouxel
                          The status bar will show where each link goes to as you move the mouse about while Previewing a page.

                          When you find a link that's pointing to the wrong place (your Live Site and not the Preview Folder) then tell us about it and we can try to work out what template it's coming from.

                          Hi Norman,

                          I have done everything you suggested in previous posts concerning this issue and it is still unresolved and still a pain!

                          When I click the preview site button (with magnifying glass), it shows the preview mode, which is my index.html (brochure page). Then when I click on "Enter Our Gift Shop", all pages show my live site not the preview mode

                          I sure hope you can help me find out, as you said earlier, what templates are causing this.

                          Again, thanks so much for all the help you have given me. I just recently joined the forum and have posted numerous requests, and I have learned so much from you and everyone.

                          All the help is very greatly appreciated. Just hope I'm not being a pest with all the posts and replies. I work better reading little excerpts of information, than trying to read from a manual, so this method of learning is terrific!

                          Unique Gifts & Home Decor
                          Retail/Wholesale/Drop Shipping
                          Gift Baskets Gift Ideas Unique Gifts
                          Retail/Drop Shipping


                            Then when I click on "Enter Our Gift Shop", all pages show my live site not the preview mode
                            OK. Now I've looked on your live site home page and the text "Enter Our Gift Shop" is not a standard bit of Actinic text. It appears in the middle of a bit of Brochure text, so I guess you've hand coded it in there. You also have a similar link to which will also take you to a live website.

                            Why not click the "Our Gift Shop" link up at the top right of the page (which IS Actinic generated) and see if that works OK.

                            Norman -
                            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                              previewing site


                              I feel so "dumb". That was such an easy solution to the problem, and I'm sorry I put you through so much trouble.

                              Thanks so very much
                              Unique Gifts & Home Decor
                              Retail/Wholesale/Drop Shipping
                              Gift Baskets Gift Ideas Unique Gifts
                              Retail/Drop Shipping

