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PARENTSECTIONSTOP won't display topmost level

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    PARENTSECTIONSTOP won't display topmost level

    I have been trying to get a Breadcrumb Links section at the top of all my pages.

    The problem is that PARENTSECTIONSTOP doesn't seem to display the title on the very topmost page of the Product Catalog ... let me explain.

    I have a number of Sections, Sub-Sections, Sub-Sub Sections and Products all happily arranged.

    On the top of the page the PARENTSECTIONSTOP variable renders a Breadcrumb Links section ..

    Catalog > Section > Sub-Section

    The current section is Bold and inactive .. while the upper levels are hyperlinked to the relevant page. Clicking on the Section above produces ...

    Catalog > Section

    BUT when I click on the Catalog section the Breadcrumb Links render NOTHING!!!

    I would expect it to display ..


    But it does not why??

    I have ensured that all the Links in the Layout dialog boxes of the Sections and Sub-Sections are disabled.

    In the Design | Options | Sections dialog I have ..
    Parent Section Links
    List Placement = Top
    Show Top Level Parent = ON
    Omit from Top Level Sections = OFF

    Default Location .....
    List Placement = Top
    Images Only = OFF
    First Row Column Count = 1
    Subsequent Row Column Count = 1

    Location and Arrangment ....
    Include in Front Page = ON
    List Placement = Top
    First Row Column Count = 1
    Subsequent Row Column Count = 1
    All other checkboxes = OFF

    Am I missing something???

    Any help appreciated -


    You are not missing anything. It is behaving as it has been designed to behave (although obviously it is not behaving in the way you need it to behave).

    You just need to hard-code the word 'Catalog' (or whatever) into the top of the template called 'Act_CatalogBody.html'. This template can be found in your 'Site1' (or equivalent) folder.


      Not quite there yet - still won't render correctly

      That does not solve the problem quite as it will still not render correctly

      If I hard-code the top-level link I get the following ..

      At the top level I get ...

      Which looks OK UNTIL I go to a Section where I now get
      Catalog Catalog > Section

      I don't get the > symbol and if I add it into the top element it looks a little odd.

      Suggestions/ideas please!!



        Now you have to turn off the bit that puts 'catalog' in.

        I think it's this bit:

        Show Top Level Parent = ON


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Nope - no joy

          I've tried every permutation i can possibly think of. This is not rocket science but it is really starting to frustrate me.

          If I Uncheck the box on
          Show Top Level Parent I actually loose the links on the top two levels!!!!!

          Checking or unchecking the second box
          Omit from Top Level Sections makes no difference!!!

          I edited the Act_ProductBody.html to include a hardcoded link to the Catalog index page but it is a waste of time. I either get duplication of the Catalog link to /acatalog/index.html or I lose the link on the Section pages. WHY???

          To re-iterate

          Page: acatalog/index.html
          I hard-code a link to this page into the Act_ProductBody.html in front of the NETQUOTEVAR:PARENTSECTIONSTOP variable.

          With Show Top Level Parent ON I get ..

          Catalog > then ..
          Catalog > Catalog > Section
          Catalog > Catalog > Section > Sub-Section

          With Show Top Level Parent OFF I get ..

          Catalog > then ..
          Catalog > AGAIN!!!
          Catalog > Section > Sub-Section - Nearly right but not perfect.

          Option 1 breaks down immediately with the duplication.
          Option 2 leaves the Section page without a heading too!!!

          Neither work .. why?



            I have been able to set this up exactly as you describe. Here is what I did:

            In 'Design Options | Sections' under 'Parent Section Links' tick 'Show Top Level Parent' and untick 'Omit From Top Level Sections'.

            Then go to 'Advanced | Template Manager'. If you are looking at a blue and white graphical template manager click 'Change View'. Go to the 'Main' tab and click on the 'Body' button. It should open Act_CatalogBody.html.

            Just above <Actinic:WELCOME/> type:

            <div align="center"><b>Catalog</b></div>

            Save the template and close.

            Then go to 'Web | Offline Preview' to ensure you are previewing the entire store. I get:

            Front page: Catalog

            Top-Level section: Catalog > Basic Products

            Sub-section: Catalog > Basic Products > Sub Section


              Now I understand it


              I've finally understood the issues ....

              1. In Act_CatalogBody.html the area BEFORE <Actinic:Welcome/> only renders on the Catalog top page. Placing the hard-coded link here forces it to render the first Catalog link.

              2. The main breadcrumb link navigation is rendered automatically using the NETQUOTEVAR:PARENTSECTIONSTOP variable which is actually located in the Act_ProductBody.html file.

              In the Act_CatalogBody.html file the two elements are completely divided by a couple of FORM tags.

              My original aim was to put a breadcrumb navigaion inside a table with a prefixed comment like the following ...
              You Are Here: Catalog > Section > Sub-Section

              But now that I understand how it works I can see that this is NOT possible as I will get 2 tables one above the other whenever I view the acatalog/index.html page .. as follows.

              You Are Here: Catalog

              You Are Here:

              I'm off to rethink my idea now in the light of this...

              A small message for the Actinic Developers for the next release...
              Can you make the variable PARENTSECTIONSTOP work so that it can render in ALL the pages in the catalog including the Catalog Home Page acatalog/index.html page. It would make things a lot simpler!!

              Thanks again for the clarification.


