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Quantity based discounts

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    Quantity based discounts

    I linked an Excel worksheet into v5. I edited the Price Schedules to include some discount levels, noted that each product showed this schedules and were both enabled and generated. I publsihed and checked the site.

    I don't see any reference to discounts.

    What did I do wrong?

    The best way to check your code is to manually create the quantity-based discounts in Actinic and then go to 'File | Export' to produce a hierarchical file.

    This should give you the correct format you need.


      Quantit based discounts

      The question was address to the error, and not another way to enter data.

      If a database is linked, is there any reason why it will not produce a tiered price.

      Please provide web examples which illustrate the tiered pricing so I can see what its supposed to look like.


        I wasn't telling you another way to do it, I was just letting you know that you can find out the correct format for importing quantity-based pricing by creating one in Actinic and then exporting it.

        I've just done one on my machine and I got the following lines:

        Header:Product,Product reference,Short description,Full description,Report description,Price,Image filename,Can be ordered online,Max quantity orderable,Min quantity orderable,Date prompt text,Other info prompt,Detail URL or file,Detail link text,Hide on web site,Product template,Shipping data,Price text,Button text,Use external data,Stock checks enabled,Stock in hand,Stock warning level,Stock suspend level,Pricing model,Ship Separately,V4 Tax 1 Data,IsDeleted,No Order Line For Main Product,Date prompt minimum year,Date prompt maximum year,Generate Popup Page,Extended Info Layout ,Extended Info Text,Extended Info Image,Display By Image,Display By Link,Display By Button,Extended Info Width ,Extended Info Height,Extended Info Page Name,Extended Info Link Text,Digital Download File Name,Auto Ship
        Header:Price,Schedule,Price,Generated,Can be Ordered,Product Visible,Minimum,Customer Message,IsDeleted



          Pricing levels

          I get this, in a test -


          but no reference to anything but the base retail pricing.

          What am I supposed to see on the public web?


            The rows that look like this...


            ...create new price schedules in Actinic. This is nothing to do with Quantity-Based Pricing.

            Look for the rows that start 'Product,'. Underneath these rows are where the rows for quantity-dependent pricing go. Look at my earlier posting for how these look.


              Price schedules

              Here is the information that I think you want to see. There are 3 levels, only the retail publishes...

              PriceSchedule,"Quantity discount 2-5",Retail,1,0.950000
              PriceSchedule,"Quantity discount 6-10",Retail,1,0.900000
              PriceSchedule,"Quantity discount 11+",Retail,1,0.870000

              Only the retail price shows. Am I missing something here?


                Whoops - I realise now I have misinterpreted what you are asking. Somehow I got it into my head you were asking about quantity-based pricing - now I see you are asking about price schedules.

                Right - with price schedules, if a price schedule price is to be automatically generated ('Generated' checkbox is ticked) then Actinic does not need a 'Price' row underneath the product. All you need are the 'PriceSchedule' rows at the top of the import file e.g.


                ... and Actinic will correctly add the price schedule price in. If you want 'Generated' un-ticked for any product then you need to include a 'Price' row underneath the product with the correct price in e.g.



                  final thoughts?

                  I think that I understand. The price schedule are only applicable if someone logs in and gets the price schedule selected for that individual login account.

                  I want to let people who do not log in know that if they order multiples of an item, they get a discount.

                  Rather than address the complete txt file, which specific check boxes do I click to get an item displayed with multiple prices -

                  i.e. -

                  ProductA 1-3 $1.00
                  ProductA 4-6 $0.95
                  ProductA 7+ $0.93

                  Or this this possible?


                    Rather than address the complete txt file, which specific check boxes do I click to get an item displayed with multiple prices -
                    Your reference to 'check boxes' makes me think you are talking about the Actinic software application rather than an import file.

                    Sorry to re-iterate, but I feel like we are two people separated by a common language.

                    To do what you want, you need to go into a product and look at the 'Prices' tab. If you do not have a 'Prices' tab then you are using Actinic Catalog rather than Actinic Business and you are not going to be able to do what you want.

                    In the 'Prices' tab, click the '+' in the top-left to add a new row to the grid. In the 'Price' field, enter a lower unit price for the product (e.g. $0.95) and in the 'Min' field enter the amount they have to order in order to get that price (e.g. 4). Then click the '+' again and enter a price of $0.93 and a min of 7.

                    That should do it.


                      Getting there

                      Thanks a lot. I knew about offering different product pricing levels in the BUSINESS product.

                      My request was for a GLOBAL change so that every product reflects multiple prices, depending on quantiry ordered.

                      I'd hate to work though 1,500 products, one at a time.

