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Just installed V5 on another PC and now it doesn't work :(

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    Just installed V5 on another PC and now it doesn't work :(

    I have copied across the site 1 file and my site is there with all my orders however. After both an "update"and a "refresh" I still get the following error message.

    "The server scrips are incompatible with this version of Actinic Ecommerce. Refresh the we site.
    If this error persists, copy the perl scripts from the original subdirectory and try again.

    Server version = "5 CFJA". Client version = "5CNNA". "

    The copy on the new pc was downloaded from the net, the copy on the old pc was installed from a disc which I can't find since our office move
    I get these blue lights in my mirrors, but when I put my foot down they go away

    Hi Chaz

    The client version you are using is the latest v5 one (5.1.6), and the server version is 5.1.3.

    If you export a snapshot from the old machine, and import it into your new machine that has 5.1.6 installed on it, it will upgrade the site for you, then you should simply be able to do a web refresh and that will sort it.

    If you still get a problem, then we will need to refresh the scripts on the server, and on your local machine - let me know if you still get problems and I will give you instuctions on how to do this.


      Hi James
      Just doing the export now.
      Might need a bit of hand holding on this one!
      I get these blue lights in my mirrors, but when I put my foot down they go away


        I now have an "Actinic site Upgrader" page displayed which I havn't seen before. What do I do now?
        I get these blue lights in my mirrors, but when I put my foot down they go away


          Ok, in the Actinic Site Upgrader, you should see along the top row of icons a lightbulb icon.

          If you click that, it will ask you 'Do you really want to upgrade the whole site', say 'yes' and it will upgrade all your site.

          Once it has finished doing that, close the site upgrader, and a message will come up along the lines of 'the upgarder has upgraded your site, press yes to save changes...' click 'yes'.

          Then Actinic will be restarted.

          When you re-open Actinic, you site will be upgraded to 5.1.6, all you have to do then, is do Web | Refesh website.


            Thank you James, it is doing a Refresh now. This usually takes ages as I'm on a dial up connection until Monday-then broadband!

            I'll let you know how I get on.

            Thanks Again.
            I get these blue lights in my mirrors, but when I put my foot down they go away


              This seems to have cured the problems we have had with the site in that people can now place orders. However, I still cannot dowload orders and get the same error message.
              I have tried a web refresh but timed out on the server. I have manage an update though.
              I get these blue lights in my mirrors, but when I put my foot down they go away


                Hi there

                So its saying 'the server scrips are incompatible with this version of Actinic Ecommerce' when you try and download the orders?

                The next thing to try then is to refresh the scripts on your computer and also on the server.

                Firstly, if you could go to My computer, then c:/program files/actinic ecommerce v5/sites/site1, and view the files by details, and sort them by type.

                Then delete all the .cat, .fil, .pm and .pl files

                Then go back to your actinic ecommerce v5 folder, and go to the folder Original - view the files by details, and sort them by type, and copy all the .pm and .pl files - then paste them into your site1 folder.

                Secondly we need to clear the same files off your server - you will need to ftp to your webspace, and you should see 2 folders up there called cgi-bin and acatalog.

                In the acatalog - delete all the .cat and .fil files.

                In the cgi-bin - delete all the .pm and .pl files.

                Once you have done all that - go back into Actinic, and refresh the website again.

                Does that sort out the error when retrieving orders?


                  Then delete all the .cat, .fil, .pm and .pl files
                  Just to finish what James is saying here, the one exception to this is that you should not delete 'ActinicSCCode.fil' within the 'Site1' folder. Get rid of all the other ones though.


                    Cheers guys. I will give that a go, I'm out all day tomorrow so will have a go on Saturday.

                    Thanks Again.
                    I get these blue lights in my mirrors, but when I put my foot down they go away


                      All seems to have gone a bit funny. So I have put it back as it was. Defo my fault not yours.
                      I get these blue lights in my mirrors, but when I put my foot down they go away


                        The upgrade didnt solve the problem then?

