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    Probably a JavScript typo. Look at your pages using Firefox with Tools / JavaScript console turned on. Or post an URL so we can see.

    I can't tell from your posting if anything is wrong as you've not enclosed it in [ c o d e ] and [ / c o d e ] tags (without the spaces) and the forum will be adding its own formatting. The two if ( ..... lines should be very long lines until the final ;
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



      I am redesigning the site but keeping the oringal file there. I copy out ProductBody, ProductLine and Primary, edit, and then save in a seperate file, before reverting back to the current Site1 files. So, i cannot post a url I am afraid.

      I have attached ProductLine.txt, I would be be grateful if you could take a look. The lines are continuous, I have checked in Dreamweaver and this is not suggesting any thing is wrong. I have changed slightly, removing the text and I have created 2 new images for the A and B sides so it takes up less space.

      Many thanks

      Attached Files


        You've forgot to close the image tag. You need a > after each height=15

        You'll probably want the border=0 back in otherwise your icon will have a box around it.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          I may have to throw the towl in on this as I still cannot get it to work. I added in > and copied out the image part into another column to check it works, and the image does display.

          It must be something else that I am doing wrong, when I test the page, the column where the customvar TRACKA and B should be is still empty. I have gone back to my only product where I have A and B selected and that looks fine.

          Maybe I will have a bolt of lightening tomorrow.

          Thanks for your efforts Norman.



            Look with Firefox and the Tools / JavaScript console as I suggested above. That usually clears up things.

            Also view the source of the generated page (post the relevant snippet here if you like - not the whole page though).

            Finally make sure your Custom properties are defined and actually contain a value (view source will show that up). If using business make sure the Use as CUSTOMVAR is checked as you'll get nothing output if it isn't.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



              Copied out the first product, a little long but thats becasue of the desciption.



              </script><A NAME="sectiontop"><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"></DIV>   </A> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="SID" VALUE="3">
              <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="PAGEFILENAME" VALUE="P_index.html"><TABLE BORDER="1" ALIGN="LEFT" CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="2" COLS="10" id="productbodytable"><tr bgcolor="#bb0000"><td bgcolor="#bb0000"><b><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana">Cat No.</font></b></td><td width="80"><b><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana">Artist</font></b></td><td width="80"><b><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana">Title</font></b></td><td width="80"><b><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana">Label</font></b></td><td><b><div align="left"><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana">Description</font></div><b></td><td align="center" width="42"><b><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana">Year</font></b></td><td align="center" width="30"><b><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana">Format</font></b></td><td align="center" width="30"><b><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana">Price</font></b></td><td align="center" width="30"><b><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana">Info</font></b></td><td align="center" width="50"><b><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana">Cart It</font></b></td></tr> <Actinic:SECTION BLOB=""/> <input type=hidden disabled name="PU_606"><tr valign="top" bgcolor="#ffffcc"><td width="70"> <a name="a606"><A HREF="javascript:ShowPopUp('P%5finfo%5f606%2ehtml',600,460);"><IMG SRC="../FDJS606.gif" ALT="JOHN B AND EXILE" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=68 WIDTH=70 ></A> FDJ606</a></td><td width="80">JOHN B AND EXILE</td><td width="80">BROKEN LANGUAGE &#40;EXILE MIX&#41; <noscript> PLANET MU </noscript></td><td width="80">PLANET MU</td><td>John B &#40;beta&#47;prototype&#47;metalheadz&#41; and collaborator Tim Exile &#40;moving shadow&#47;frequency&#47;ram&#47;beta&#41; originally created broken language for John&#39;s &#39;In&#58;Transit&#39; album and the original is a popular floorfiller&#46; But exile has taken the original files and mangled it planet mu style in to a hardcore twisted dark monster of a tune as rinsed on dub by Concord Dawn &#38; Evol intent and more&#46; The bassline and 2 step beat will mix in happily with other current d&#38;b but as the tune progresses things get sicker &#45; a distorted gabba beat kicks in &#45; phased and mangled amens fly around the stereo field and ghastly voices make unspeakable utterances&#33;&#46; The flip is another masterpiece of experimental d&#38;b from Exile&#59; a solo track which keeps up the 4&#47;4 pressure while adding the most futuristic fx and breaks with a dirty bass&#46;<BR><BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="FDJ606A.mp3"><img src=speaker.gif alt="Listen" width=20 height=25 border="0" align="absmiddle">  First Side</a>  <BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="FDJ606B.mp3"><img src=speaker.gif alt="Listen" width=20 height=25 border="0" align="absmiddle">  Flip Side</a>  </td><td width="42" align="center">Jan-05</td><td width="30" align="center">12"</td><td width="30" align="center"><Actinic:PRICES PROD_REF="606" RETAIL_PRICE_PROMPT="Price:"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&#163;5&#46;48</Actinic:PRICES></td><td> <script language=JavaScript>
              if ( '../FDJ606A.mp3' ) document.write('<a href="' + ../FDJ606A.mp3 + '"><img src="speaker2A.gif" alt="Listen" width=25 height=15 border="0" align="absmiddle"></a>');
              if ( '../FDJ606B.mp3' ) document.write('<br><a href="' + ../FDJ606B.mp3 + '"><img src="speaker2B.gif" alt="Listen" width=25 height=15 border="0" align="absmiddle"></a>');
              </script></td><td WIDTH="50" align="center"><Actinic:ACTIONS>  <P><INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="../addtocart.gif" NAME="606" WIDTH="19" HEIGHT="16" BORDER="0"></P><script language=JavaScript>
              if ( '<P><INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="../addtocart.gif" NAME="606" WIDTH="19" HEIGHT="16" BORDER="0"></P>' == '' ) document.write('<font color="#000066"><strong>DUE IN</strong></font>');
              // -->


                Whoops. It was my mistake this time.
                <script language=JavaScript>
                if ( 'CUSTOMVAR:TRACKA' ) document.write('<a href="CUSTOMVAR:TRACKA"><img src="speaker2A.gif" alt="Listen" width=25 height=15 border="0" align="absmiddle"></a>');
                if ( 'CUSTOMVAR:TRACKB' ) document.write('<br><a href="CUSTOMVAR:TRACKB"><img src="speaker2B.gif" alt="Listen" width=25 height=15 border="0" align="absmiddle"></a>');
                Make sure you don't use the single or doublwe quote characters anywhere in TRACKA or TRACKB as this will break things.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  Hi Norman

                  Many many thanks, got it working now. Looks pretty good (even if I say so my self!!!).

                  I have stripped out all the track samples that I had in each of the extended info sections now that I have your method working.

                  One more question though. Can I use the above method in the extended info pop ups too. Is it just a case of copying in the javascrpit that I have used in my main product table into the extended info table. I obviously do not want this to appear in the infotext as this appers in my main product table and i have tryed to reduce this as much as possible.

                  I have allowed customers to click on the small image in my product table to get to the extra info. From there (even though the infotext is the same), they do get a larger image, if I can also offer the track samples here too, then that would be a great user xp.

                  Thanks again



                    Tried adding in the javascipt to my extended info file this evening, and it works a treat.

                    Thanks again


