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    The people that have 56k always complain that my site is too slow. (the reason is my shell is 48K and I dont want to change it)

    I want to give the customers the option,when they enter my store: DIALUP or BROADBAND.

    For the people choosing Broadband, i awant to use the existing shell.

    For the Dialup, I have made a new shell that is 5K.

    How can i make it so that when someone chooses dialup, actinic sends him to the shell that is 5k, and the people that choose Broadband go to the origional shell.

    How do I achive this?

    I take it my 'shell' you mean 'Overall Layout Template'.

    You would need to have either

    1) Two different stores


    2) A duplicate set of sections within the same store.

    You could then have one set of pages using the larger 'shell' (by editing the 'Overall Layout' field in the 'Layout' tab of the top-level sections) and another set of sections using the smaller 'shell'.

    This has many obvious drawbacks (different reference numbers for the same products, duplicate products appearing in the search results) so I would suggest just changing your larger shell to be less graphically intensive.


      'Overall Layout

      Yes. I want to create 2 different stores.

      One under my domain name. The other I can create a subdomain.

      The only thing is that I want to be able to use the same SSL SHOPPING CART for BOTH stores. Is that possible? can they share?

      store 1 URL is:
      store 2 URL is:

      The SSL now is set for store #1 (
      How do I set the "Advanced network setup" for store #2 so it uses the same SSL as store #1?

      attached is the Advanced network setup for STORE #1. what do i need to change?
      Attached Files


        You will need to use different cgi script IDs on the two stores. That's very important.

        Also I think you need a different URL for the secure acatalog directory for the new site. I.e. rather than

        It might be


        Finally, the 'Path from CGI-BIN to acatalog Directory' field on the 'SSL URLs' tab of your new site has to be the file path from:


