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Compact Rows error

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    Compact Rows error

    Sorry all me again!!

    I have been trying to get a couple of my pages into compact rows - have copied and pasted the text required - as laid out in the Actinic Developer manual - and highlighted that template for my particular pages to use. However I get the following error message when trying to preview:

    Variables: footer, loadfunction, onload.

    Can anyone tell me what I have done wrong and what I need to do to sort it out!!. Please bear in mind I am very new to this so imagine you are talking to a complete numbnut - which I am!!

    Thanks so much

    Have you edited any templates yet?

    If so, then you may have accidentaly removed some variables from Act_Primary.html (your 'overall layout template') that were required.

    If you have not edited any templates yet, maybe the problem is that you are trying to use a brochure overall layout template (e.g. Act_BrochurePrimary.html) as the overall layout template for your store pages. Check this in 'Design | Options | Layouts' (and the layout tab of all your sections).

