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Dynamic product price update

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    Dynamic product price update

    I know there have been similar threads on this but please bare with me

    I am setting up an online shop to buy both individual computer peripherals and whole systems. The systems themselves are customisable.

    Each computer system has something like 21 components each with various choices displayed as radio buttons. At first I thought it would be sufficient for the buyer to see the final price on the "add to cart" page however I now realise that I need the price to be seen to update.
    Does anyone think some sort of Javascript can be effectively used to achieve this?
    I've looked at it various ways and I need this total price to auto update as you select different choices. I'm sure when I bought Actinic someone said this was in the pipeline.

    Many thanks.

    This is a painful weakness of Actinic.

    However, it can be done with a LOT of JavaScript. I wrote code to do this last May and have kept it up-to-date since. Here are some notes from the README.

    You must show the additional price in the text of each permutation choice in the format ([+][£|$|€]nnn.nn)
    i.e. within "(" and ")" with an optional "+" and optional £,$ or €.
    If there's no price associated with a permutation just leave out the "(nnn.nn)" bit.


    Don't use round brackets "(" and ")" in any other variant lists except for prices as above
    Also dont use the single quote character ' in your component names or descriptions.

    If you have a component of type "Optional" you must check "Include" to create a
    "Not Used" selection and set some descriptive text for the Not Used choice.

    You can not use this with components that have more than one Attribute that pertains
    to product price. You can have other Attributes but they should not affect the price.


    Upgrade to DVD writer (+123.45).
    Only (£3.00) for gift wrapping.
    This works fine with the PC on the Actinic Demo Site (the one you get when you first install Actinic).

    However these are big complex patches and they're not free. Contact me off-list if you're still interested.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

