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browser not accepting cookies

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    browser not accepting cookies

    Hi - We have been using Actinic for a few years now with no problems - we have recently had customers reporting problems making orders - I have checked the site on several different PCs and the problem seems the same on all of them.

    When trying to place an order I get - your browser has denied cookie access. If I then go into internet explorer options and change the security to a lower level it works fine.

    It seems to have been working on the default security setting for years and now it will not - is this just because of new versions of explorer - I don't really know enough about cookie security options.

    thanks for any advice.



    Could you possibly let us know your URL so we can see it for ourselves?

    I see you are using v4. Are you using v4.1.1 with the Norton Firewall Patch installed?


      I have been experiencing the same problem. My client is running version 4 and is hosting with an actinic reseller that is specially setup to running actinic. Everything was fine for the longest time until recently when the cookie issue surfaced. If anyone else has had problems with this please post here and call your reseller. The more of us that complain the faster this with reach development. The url of my client's site is:

      We have put up a message and intructions for our customers to adjust their privacy settings to allow the browser to accept the cookies. This is just a stop gap solution to try and keep the virtual doors open during my client's busiest season of the year.

      Thanks for letting me rant. If anyone would like more info about my specific situation please feel free to send me an email.
      <img src="">


        Hi Marshall

        Your error is to do with IE blocking what it sees as 'third-party cookies'.

        Your frameset is located at and that is the address that IE has in the browser.

        All your scripts, however, are located in the following cgi-bin:

        IE therefore blocks the cookie as it doesn't know who '' is.

        You have two options:

        1) Try and get rid of the frames. I understand this is not a great options.

        2) Move your entire store (including the 'cgi-bin') onto so that the cookies are being set from the correct domain.


          Thanks for the help. That solved the problem. I guess it is true about being too close to the problem sometimes.

          <img src="">

