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adding templates

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    adding templates

    I am starting, very slowly, to use Actinic catalogue V6.1.4., and wish to use a variation on the standard templates.

    The Advanced users guide page 73, says about adding your own templates. Is this specific to Actinic developer? Have tried template manager but I can't seem to find a "screenshot" the same as that on the page.

    Also page 46 "changing a Custom design ......" Does not seem too clear how to do this.

    Sorry I am new to this Actinic stuff, but am impressed by the help provided on this forum.

    Hope someone can help. Thanks Dave

    A little tricky this if you are new to Actinic.

    The Advanced User Guide talks about editing the content of the drop-down lists, but from what you are saying, it sounds like you just want to create your own templates.

    A good place to start is going to 'Design | Options | Layouts' and clicking 'Edit' next to the template fields there. These are the main templates for laying out the elements in your store. Try making a change to the file and then saving it with a new filename. Select this template in the field (next to the 'Edit' button you clicked) and then see the difference in the online store pages.

    You will also find some more guidance in the 'Designing with Actinic Developer Guide' (see the link in my signature) as even if you do not have Actinic Developer, it gives you a good general introduction to Design.

    That's probably a better place to start than the Advanced User Guide anyway.


      Thanks Chris. I am playing with templates to try and find out soemthing that will suit my use. I seem to be learning how to change some basic bits, and I can save file under a different name.

      However how do I implement that design later on. Example if I save as Act_primary_dw1.html do I then change it back to Act_primary.html when I have decided to use it?

      At some stage I would like to operate with top and side frames. The site I believe to be one of the best, ie simple and clear and fast is http:/ How close can I get to that idea of design using Actinic catalogue v6?

      I have made some side and top frames in Dreamweaver that look OK but not sure at the moment how I get the products to display in the main frame. ie if I click a navigation to products they open in the side frame.

      Sorry loads of questions in this message. I'm on a steep learning curve but am sure I will get there OK with some guidance from the experts.

      Cheers, Dave


        Example if I save as Act_primary_dw1.html do I then change it back to Act_primary.html when I have decided to use it?
        Just select 'Act_primary_dw1.html' in the 'Default Overall Layout' field in 'Design | Options | Layouts'.
        I have made some side and top frames in Dreamweaver that look OK but not sure at the moment how I get the products to display in the main frame. ie if I click a navigation to products they open in the side frame.
        If you really want frames, then you can turn them on in the store by selecting 'Use Frames in Catalog' in 'Design | Options | Layouts'. Then you can edit Act_Frameset.html to customise the frameset that comes with Actinic.

