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next / previous links problem

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    next / previous links problem

    Have installed Next / Previous section links as per AUG and advice on the forum, but have hit a problem.

    When the site is uploaded, any hidden section in the directory tree are included in the links that are created.

    Apart from the fact that I don't want my hidden sections on show, the links don't go anyway and give 'page not found' as obviously, the hidden sections aren't uploaded.

    Have I made some stupid oversight or is this a bug?

    Any suggestions as to a way around this.

    I foolishly went live with this change, without testing first, and after a 2 hour plus upload, I now have a buggy site, so could use some good advice.



    As far as i know this is (IMO) a flaw within actinic which has been around for a while.

    I raised the issue months ago.

    As far as I am concerned it is a double whammy...since the only way to do stock control on components is to have hidden sections.

    the only way to have next/previous is not to have hidden sections.


      Thanks Jo

      I am working on what will hopefully be a workaround of sorts.

      I've moved all my hidden sections to just one place, at the bottom of the tree, which is a bit of a pain, as you ideally want your hidden 'work-in-progress' stuff in amongst where you are actually working.

      I originally set up the Next/Prev table in Act_ProductBody, but as it appears you can't have alternative 'Body' templates, I'm about to move this to Act_Primary.

      Then, I will create a new Act_Primary without Prev/Next links, and use this for any section that butts up against a hidden one. By initially moving all the hidden ones to one place, this should limit the need for this alternate layout to just one section.

      It should all work, but I'll let you know if I hit any problems.

      One of the advantages of Actinic - the static pages which are very search engine friendly - is also one of its disadvantages - every time you change a main template, all your pages affected by it need re-uploading. For our site, thats several hundred pages, and plenty of downtime for the site.



        Yes, let me know the outcome....


          OK, well that was fairly painless. Carried out procedures outlined above and works fine. The bug's still there, but as a workaround, it gets the job done.

          Ideally, you need to be able to move all your hidden sections to the bottom of your directory tree.
          Then create alternate Act_Primary without the Next_Section link (just keep the Previous_Section link), and use this as the overall layout for the section that comes directly before all your hidden sections.

          If you wanted to complicate life, and wanted to keep your hiddens ections where they are rather than move them to the end, you would need to have 3 Act_Primary templates.

          1) with both Next and Previous links
          2) just Next link
          3) just Previous link.

          and change overal layout selection for each section, dependant on whether or not it has a hidden section before or after it.

          Or you could wait for Actinic to fix the bug!


