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Search engine optimisation - preparing a site

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    Search engine optimisation - preparing a site

    Hi all,

    I have been reading all the posts regarding search engine optimisation; getting ready to submit my site.

    Regarding this part:
    4/ Image Naming, name your images relavent to your product/s chocolate-frogs.gif chocolate_frogs.jpg etc..

    My site comprises a vast array of gift produts and home decor - not a specific line of a product, therefore, any suggestion on how to name my images?

    Also, if you'd like to look at my site regarding the meta tags, and make any suggestions, I am open to them.

    I am relatively new to this, so any help in any area would be welcome.

    Unique Gifts & Home Decor
    Retail/Wholesale/Drop Shipping
    Gift Baskets Gift Ideas Unique Gifts
    Retail/Drop Shipping

    Each one of your images can be named something meaningful to describe what the image/product is

    I have looked at one of your image names AG65-Saquacandle.jpg

    You have the keywords aqua and candle within the image name.

    It may be beneficial to rename the image
    AG65-S_aqua_candle.jpg so search engines can see the words.


      Just a note:

      the link from your to has 2 dots which result in domain not found (

      You also have a wrongly defined <br> tag on your homepage (above the counter).

      Regarding page optimisation: I would replace the &#44; and the &#38; by comas and amperstand in the title and meta keywords (not sure the search engines will be able to differenciate the keywords if you use the HTML code for the coma - not that meta keywords play an important part in how and SE will rank your site nowadays)

      For the page titles I would use the following format:
      Product by Company name instead of Company name Product - SE will give more importance to first words in page title.

      For the page content I think that you have enough there to please the search engines.

      Hope this helps




        FYI, I've created a new thread here starting with your question just to make it a bit easier for people to follow.


          Hi Bonnie

          I don't know whether you would find THIS link from Google useful?



            search engine optimisation - preparing a site

            Hi Leo

            Thanks for picking up those errors. Sometimes you read and reread things and those minor bits go right by you

            Regarding page optimisation: I would replace the , and the & by comas and amperstand in the title and meta keywords (not sure the search engines will be able to differenciate the keywords if you use the HTML code for the coma - not that meta keywords play an important part in how and SE will rank your site nowadays)

            As I said, I'm relatively new to this - can you send the wording as you would suggest it to be.

            For the page titles I would use the following format: Product by Company Name instead of Company Name Product

            Could you look at my site, and check one of the page titles, and send it back as you would write it?

            Thanks so much for the help, Leo
            Unique Gifts & Home Decor
            Retail/Wholesale/Drop Shipping
            Gift Baskets Gift Ideas Unique Gifts
            Retail/Drop Shipping

