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product sections not using templates

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    product sections not using templates

    Hi I have made each section on my site use a different template (act_primary1 to 4.html) the site uses them when i preview the site on my machine but do not use them on the server. i've deleted all my temp internet files and Ctrl+F5 it for a complete refresh and still nothing. this was done a few days ago so the server has updated the site anyway. Everything localy is fine it's just on the sever where it is mis behaving! Any ideas on this one

    Here are some things to check:

    1) Look in your 'SiteHTML' folder. This contains the files that have been uploaded to the server. Check to see whether these are using the wrong overall layout templates.

    2) Check there are no section HTML pages within your actual 'Site1' folder. Sometimes, these will be picked up and uploaded by Actinic even if they are out of date.

    3) Manually FTP a correct-looking file up to the 'acatalog' folder on your server. See how long it takes the server to show the new file. This will show whether it is just your server being unresponsive.

    If all else fails, delete all the HTML files on your server, and delete the files within your 'SiteHTML' folder, and do a 'Web | Refresh Website'.

