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    Everything in the order process is fine as a customer.

    When logged in, the customer receives an error message when clicking Next on the Billing address page to go to the Payment Selection page. The error is:

    A Runtime error has occured.
    Do you wish to Debug?

    Line: 7
    Error: 'document.forms.0.INVOICEMOVING.checked' is null or not an object

    A while ago I did change the 'Moving Within One Month' option to a statement regarding terms and condition, which needs to be ticked before proceeding to the next page.

    As the billing information is already entered automatically by the cusomter information from their account, the 'Moving Within One Month' statement is not shown and therefore cannot be checked, which is what I think is causing this error (if it is causing the error, then just clicking no to debugging just bypasses that page and goes onto the next one anyway)

    Help needed!

    I would remove your changes and then see if the error goes away.

    Then show us what you are doing to add the check box


      For the changes I did what was shown in the knowledge base:

      I think I might have made other changes but I'm not sure, and don't want to remove anything incase it's needed. Are the originals Act_order pages store somewhere outside of teh Site1 folder? (as I think I changed the ones inside that folder)


        If you did do the GC186 change, then there should be no JavaScript errors as JavaScript is not used.

        There is an alternative terms and conditions fix in the Advanced User Guide that uses JavaScript, but we tend to recommend the GC186 one as it isimpler to set up.

        I suggest you revert to an original Act_Order01.html (from the 'Formats/Themes' folders) and then re-apply the KB fix HERE.


          I think this has to do with the 'Ship to an alternative address' not being shown to logged-in customers. When I allow their accounts to input a new address, the Terms & Conditions box (previously 'ship to another address' box) is shown. I'd prefer not to allow account customers to enter an address, only use the address(es) that was setup for them. Maybe this is another one for the 'patch list'?


            If you use the 'Payment User Definable' field (as described in the knowledge base) for the Ts & Cs checkbox, rather than the 'ship to a different address' checkbox, then the two issues will be separated.


              I've found the problem.

              I did it the way that the AUG shows, which involves putting some javascript into the primary checkout page.

              I've now changed this and all is working well for the terms & conditions.

