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problems, problems...

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    problems, problems...

    I thin yesterday my hosting company had a problem with their server and my web site was off-line for 24hrs. When it came back on-line I attempted to retrieve my orders, however the following message appeared:

    Actinic Ecommerce received a server error from the web server. The CGI scripts are not executing properly on the server. Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to review your web site configuration.

    So, although nothing had changed at all in my Catalog software during this time, I checked the details and all appeared OK. I then
    tried an update. This doesn't now work (although it always has before) and the following message appears:

    'an error ocurred while sending the merge requests' and the last section of files called 'merge incremental updates at the web site' does not complete properly.

    I have tried a refresh and all goes fine up until the very last part which will not complete without an error message.

    Does anyone know what could possible have gone wrong. Whatever has happened it has been beyond my control and I cannot seem to correct it.

    My web site is appearing ( but nobody can order because as soon as you add an item to the cart an error message appears, and I think there are orders stuck at the server that are not coming through now. To date, I had never had any problems. This would be a coincidence if the problems do not relate to the server going down because everything was OK the day before.

    Help & advice much appreciated.

    It certainly looks likle your Server people have messed up.

    All I can suggest is run Advanced / Network Setup / Network Test which may give more meaningful diagnostic error messages.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

