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3 products across a page: HyperText NOT ugly grey buttons et more

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    3 products across a page: HyperText NOT ugly grey buttons et more

    Greetings Y'all
    New V5 user of Actinic Catalog bought it 2 years ago, Use it then stopped, didn't have the time to get my head around template design.
    Attempt 2 and V6 downloading as we speak

    Question 1
    Is there any way of editing/designing a product page by looking at the whole template in one go.

    Question 2
    I don't want ugly great grey BUY buttons, but what to use a text HYPER LINK - How?

    Question 3
    I must get 3 products across the page - How?

    Question 4
    Can you use style sheets in template design?

    Many thanks

    Re 2) You can have images for your Cart button so these can be anything you want.

    Re 3) I've posted a multi column product patch on this forum. Search should find it.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Is there any way of editing/designing a product page by looking at the whole template in one go.
      Not really with Catalog v6. You need to edit the templates that make up the design. An introduction to design can be found in the Designing with Actinic Developer guide.
      Can you use style sheets in template design?
      Yes. Simple select any of the 'Specific Designs' or 'Clean Layouts' in v6 to start with and you will be able to customise 'actinic.css' - the default stylesheet.

