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IE vs Opera vs NN...

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    IE vs Opera vs NN...


    I have been testing my site in a couple of browsers other than my normal one (IE), and I see a couple of things change in both Opera and NN.

    1. On my nav bar, I am using Nortree cascading menu. Within IE, i had to be a little creative to position it where I wanted, and make it invisible (opacity set at 0), so that the initial nav bar maintained its apperrance. When i view in Opera, the page loads with a slightly larger gap at the top and thus my creative positioning goes out the window. Also, the opacity seems to be ignored. I got around this a little by setting the bg color the same as the nav bar, but since it is not aligned, it is just out of place. Any ideas on Nortree set up, or position, or page alignement that may help?

    2. Where I have a table border, I have set them to the bg colour so that they blend in to the page. In non IE browsers, the borders appear to be the standard no color attached border. Any ideas on dealing with table borders in non IE browsers.

    Thanks for any adivce



    After much playing of vertical and horizontal positioning, and of width and height, I am somewhat closer to 'creatively' positioning the primary box in Nortree.

    But, I notice that my align="center" command that I use in Act_Primary and Act_BrochurePrimary dont seem to align, one is slightly to the left.

    Using Dreamweaver, I have removed any unnecesary commands (highlighted yellow), and have also edited the Act_Primary line that contains the bg= command so that it is the same as the brochure line, but alas, still no joy.

    Any other experieces of pages moving, within IE, all is good.




      You're actually using NorCascade, not NorTree. Anyway NorCascade allows you to position your menu relative to a named anchor on the page. It's in the readme. Here's a summary:-

      If you have somewhere on your page e.g:-

      <a id="home" name="home">STORE</a>

      then in the NorCascade configuration / main page set Target to "home". Now theTop Level offsets will be relative to the above anchor.

      IMPORTANT: If you're doing this, you should move the menu <SCRIPT ... >...</SCRIPT> tags ( the stuff in Act_Primary just after the <BODY...> statement) to just before the closing </BODY> tag of your documents.

      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Hi Norman

        I think I must be doing something wrong...

        I have moved the <script> </script> to just before the </body> tag, and have added an anchor (home) to the code, but the nav box stays at the top left of my screen. I have both my H and V offset as 0, set in NorCascade with Target reading home.

        Any chance you can have a quick look at my code to make sure I have not done something stupid.

        Thanks Norman

        Attached Files


          I think you've forgotten to put the

          <a id="home" name="home">STORE</a>

          Into Act_Primary.html - this gives the menu somewhere to display relative to. You may not be able to use your STORE tag as this is already inside an <a...>...</a> tag (view your page source and see).

          You could always put <a id="home" name="home"></a> right next to it but outside any existing <a..> tags.

          I'd sneak up on this by putting that <a id="home" name="home">STORE</a> somewhere easy to display, and once you've got the menu locating relative to there work out how to move it where you really want it.

          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Hi Norman

            I was a little confused, I was looking at the source last night and although I had the <a></a> in my Act_Primary file, I could not see it from the netty.

            I know what I have done, or have not done. I have two other files for my store top and store section pages, both extentions of Act_Primary. I have done a quick edit in the first, adding the lines, and this lines up in ie, will try the others later and in Opera, fingers crossed.

            Thanks for your help.




              Unfortunately, I am still having alignment issues within Opera.

              The nav bar is great in IE, with the store part being a drop down built from NorCascade. But in Opera, the store drop down is slightly out of line.

              Attached is an image. THere is also a tiny part between the Store | info, that causes the whole line to move down a few px.

              Appreciate any comments.

              Link is

              Attached Files


                I see it but don't know what to do about it as I only wrote the Actinic Interface and the NorCasCade configuration program.

                However all is not lost. As you will have read the DHTML part of NorCascade is "Donation Ware", so if you remind Angus of TwinHelix in New Zealand as to who you are and what you donated, I'm sure you'll find him happy to help. He maintains a Help Forum for just such problems. See for

                He knows about NorCascade users but recently pointed out to me that almost none of them donate anything, even though they are ALL using it on commercial sites.

                If you are in this catagory then I'm afraid I, like him, am unable to help further.

                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  Hi Norman

                  A public post!!

                  Yes, I hold my hands up and say that I had not got around to sending Angus a donation. I could give several excuses but you would consider them all lame, which they would be!!

                  To that end, I have now PayPal'd him. Regardless of any assistance from him, the drop down menu is a great feature and it is really only through people like him (and yourself) that non coders like me can get any where with site design.

                  Thanks Norman, and thanks for the public beating to kick me into payment.




                    Well done Steven.

                    Angus is actively maintaining the DHTML JavaScript that powers NorCascade and you'll all feel the benefit of that when next week / month / year Microsoft / Netscape / Opera / etc, updates their browser and breaks all your menus.

                    I found a very small buglet and he fixed it same-day, even though he was aware how few Actinic users are contributing.

                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      I saw your post on TwinHelix.

                      Angus was spot on. I saved one of your misbehaving pages ( ) and then moved the line

                      <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"
                      background="Westbrook Cycles Mountain_files/palette2bg.gif" border=0>

                      That was between the <BODY...> tag and the NorCascade stuff, to just after the end of said NorCascade stuff and it started working reliably.

                      The NorCascade ReadMe recommends doing just that but it looks like someone let an HTML editor loose on your templates and it munged the correct placement of the code.

                      Norman -
                      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                        Hi Norman

                        Cheers for that. Unfortunately the web address is not mine, mine is the Fidelity DJ one...

                        Based on what you did say tho, I tried to strip out all the stuff in the line that I am not using

                        <BODY BACKGROUND="bgsquare.gif" OnLoad="PreloadImages('home2.gif','shop2.gif','brochuremore2.gif','brochurecontact2.gif','info2.gif')" BGCOLOR="#000033" TEXT="#3f0303" LINK="#99ccff" VLINK="#cccccc" ALINK="#99ccff" marginwidth="5" marginheight="5" align="center">

                        to just

                        <BODY BACKGROUND="bgsquare.gif">

                        but alas this has made no difference. I cannot see any other part of the code that influences it. I tried also removing the <br> between body background and the start of the page content but still no joy.

                        On a positive note tho, i got my first delivery of vinyl for my store today!!



                          Oops. Sorry Steven. I think I'm replying to the wrong thread.

                          Norman -
                          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

