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My site. Slow.

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    My site. Slow.


    I was wondering if someone could please have a look at my site, and advise me how to decrease load times for 56k users. Even broadband connections are not as fast as they should be.


    Yes I do realise it would help if I posted the site.


      I have isdn, seemed okay to me. If its the fragment on the homepage thats worrying you, split it up more.

      I won't say what channels I looked at.
      Football Heaven

      For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


        Newfront2.gif is 45K and longbar01.jpg is 22K. Those together make for a long wait at slow speeds. Try making them jpegs or using a gif compressor.
        Bob Ladden


          As a general rule of thumb, you want a web page to load in less than 2-3 seconds. Any longer than that is just too slow and people will tend to back out and try another site.

          For a modem user, 2-3 seconds restricts web pages to about 150K bits (or 18-20 K Bytes) in size.

          The problem you have is that your main image is 45K Bytes and the other one is 13K Bytes, so 58K bytes in total. For a modem user at 48 Kbps, these will take about 10 seconds to download excluding any overheads. They're just too large and you need to compress them more.

          The other thing you should consider is that they're both the wrong format. The top image is a jpeg, where it should be a gif (jpeg is best for images with real photos, gifs for artwork) and the central image is a gif where it should be jpeg.

          Fix those and your images could be much smaller AND look better.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            Thanks guys, much appreciated.

            What about the actual shop? reakon thats ok?

