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Stock trouble!!! Can't sell products!!!

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    Stock trouble!!! Can't sell products!!!

    My client is receiving the following message:

    "We are sorry, the combination you selected is unavailable at present due to option being out of stock.

    Please wait for your browser to forward you to the next page or click here. "

    Every item is this way, even products they haven't sold. When I look at the stock level they are all 0.

    They sell photographs from digital pictures so they don't care about tracking their stock. I've upgraded their catalog using the 6.1.4 patch. I read where this could correct the issue.

    I know I could click on the stock level button and add 1000 as the stock but they have a ton of products so I would have to create a query to update this in access and would like to find a quicker solution.

    I had them check disable automatic stock monitoring and also had them set the Default "Warn If Below" and Default "Suspend Orders If Below" to -999 and no luck.


    Disabling automatic stock monitoring should have done it. Are you sure they did it right? Did they update the web site afterwards?
    Bob Ladden


      They upload the change. Just before I posted my issue I told them to do a complete site refresh. They are going to get back to me once it is complete, but I wanted to find other solutions just to be safe.



        Client still has issues. I guess I have to create a query to update the product table to have 1000 as the stock. This is an issue that has to be addressed!!!

        I was told this was corrected in the 6.1.4 patch and I was also told no template changes were made which was false so when I upgraded I had to merge files, thankfully the client knew enough to call me and didn't start playing around with it.



          This is a bug which I thought was fixed in 6.1.4. The problem is when a component is associated with a product with a stock level of '0' (and the 'Stock Monitoring' box in the 'Stock' tab selected) Actinic would always see the product as being out of stock - even if the 'Suspend If Below' level was well below 1000.

          What you need to do is untick all the 'Stock Monitoring' boxes for the products. In the database this means setting all the fields in the 'bStockEnabled' field to '0'. You should be able to do this via a Find and Replace in the field.


            I've viewed the bStockEnabled field in the products table and they are all set to 0 using access. I created an update query and set nStockOnHand to 99999 and had them click uncheck the disable automatic stock monitoring so actinic could atleast decremet the stock from 99999.

            I've also set the warn and suspend values -999. Also none of the products show 'out of stock', the add to cart image is still showing but as soon as they press the button it displays the message. Could any combination of this be causing the issue?

            Could there be an issue with the components. Each product has an option component with permutations of price


            5x7 - $10.00
            8x11 - $20.00

            The price is setup here and the pricing is set to override which has always worked correctly. I can't remember when I setup the original structure of the catalog if I need to put a product in the product field. There products fields are blank, which I believe is how it was originally setup. I don't think so because when they copy products the copied product would be associated with the new product and that isn't correct and I know I never told them to change the product.

            What about the nStockWarn and nStockSuspend values, currently they are both set to 0 for every product when I look at the database in access, shouldn't these be the -999 and -999 values?

            Any help would be appreciated greatly.



              If they are set as '0' then they will take the default stock warn/suspend levels in 'Business Settings | Options'.

              Check your products actually in Actinic. Are the 'Stock Monitoring' checkboxes now de-selected?

              Could you maybe give us a URL to look at and see if that gives any clues.

              The other thing to try is deleting all the *.cat files in the 'acatalog' folder and in the 'Site1' folder and then doing a 'Web | Refresh Website'. This will completely refresh all the stock information.


                When I view the stock monitoring from actinic the stock monitoring is unchecked or they are all blank.

                If you click the link below you will be in a hockey section and if you click the add to cart button you will get the message. The page has a ton of images so it might load slow (told client to start breaking up the games into smaller sections).


                I'll wait to do anything until I hear back from you.

                Thanks Again,


                  Had client delete the .cat files from the site1 folder and I deleted the .cat files from the server.

                  Problem still exists. This is killing my client. They are getting tons of phone calls and I don't know what to tell them. I was thinking about using and old database I had them send to me a few weeks ago but there are two issues with that.....

                  1. Client has updated a ton of products and will take a ton of time to setup again.
                  2. I had the client update the catalog with the 6.1.4 patch and I believe if they move the old database back in the versions won't match and they won't be able to get into actinic.

                  Really need some more suggestions.

                  Thanks again,


                    Since I'm in a hacking mood...

                    Make a backup of
                    Make another backup
                    Find these lines:
                    if ($nMaxQuantity == -1) # if max quantity has been met (already sold out)
                    $Message .= "<B>" . ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 63) . "</B>";

                    @Response = ReturnToLastPage(5, $Message, ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 64));
                    return ($::FAILURE, $Response[1], $Response[2], "");
                    # Check is out of stock
                    if ($$pProduct{'OUT_OF_STOCK'})
                    $Message .= ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 297, $$pProduct{'NAME'}) . "<P>\n";
                    @Response = ReturnToLastPage(5, $Message, ACTINIC::GetPhrase(-1, 64));
                    return ($::FAILURE, $Response[1], $Response[2], "");

                    Comment them out or delete them.

                    I do not know what other problems this may cause. I did not test this. Also, this will not stop Actinic from suspending products, so set the default suspension to -100. Try at your own risk.

                    See if they can send you a snapshot so you can see if they are really doing things right.
                    Bob Ladden


                      I edited out an extra } in the above post. Be very careful.
                      Bob Ladden


                        I guess the refresh just finished sometime ago because I just checked the site and an receiving this error now...

                        "This shopping application requires permission to use cookies on your machine, but this has been denied

                        There is more to the message but it gives you an idea. I have checked multiple computers with the same result.

                        I haven't done anything but delete the .cat files on the server and on the client sites1 folder.

                        Any ideas.



                          I got this too the first time I tried last night, but my other attempts were ok, even now. It is nothing you did.

                          Try Business Settings->Terms and Conditions->Privacy Policy and then select the Basic P3P policy or the No Compact Policy.
                          Bob Ladden


                            I actually just tried it on my work computer and it I didn't get the cookie error but am still getting the out of stock problem.

                            I might try the script change if there are no other suggestions



                              STILL NO LUCK!!! (haven't tried the perl mod)

                              What if I delete all the files in the cgi-bin and acatalog folder on the server and refresh the site?

                              I've attached a screenshot of the stock level screen. All products look fine. So this is really strange.

                              Attached Files

