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bt & smtp

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    bt & smtp

    Customer order emails are not being sent. I have the correct smtp server setting configured but bt say smtp will not work as the site is hosted on a domain site. I have managed to configure outlook using the domain name's pop3 inbox and bt's outgoing smtp, but for the life of me actinic wont play! I get the invalid smtp message when I try to test in advanced network settings. Would this be a job for Norman's sendmail patch?
    Does anybody else out there use bt connect asdl?

    thanks on advance
    Located - Sunny Kent
    A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.

    When you use Outlook, it is your PC sending e-mails via whatever SMTP server is valid on your dial-up, ADSL, or whatever, connection.

    When Actinic sends customer confirmation e-mails it is your Server that is sending them (via a Perl script).

    Most SMTP servers will only accept mail from trusted sources so you have to use one that knows about your server.

    You should talk to your server people and ask them the name of an SMTP server to use for Perl scrips running in your cgi-bin.

    That's what goes in the Advanced / Network Settings / SMTP server.

    Another thing you can try is using "localhost" there as this often works.

    If they don't have a SMTP server available (or only allow authenticated SMTP) then you might have to use my mailer patch. This, however, requres that the Perl module Mail::Mailer is installed on the server. Again, you'd have to ask the server support people if this is available.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Aha that explains it! Ok I will ask the hosting company what they can do for me and try using "localhost". Thanks for that Norman.
      Located - Sunny Kent
      A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.


        hi again
        the hosting company say to use their smtpserver
        To send mail from a web script please use "smtpserver" as the SMTP server address.
        I used that setting in advanced network settings and refreshed the site.
        I then placed an order but still have not received a confirmation email.
        Was there anything else I needed to change?

        Incidently when I try to configure web site details using the wizzard I get the "there is problem with certificate invalid or not matching"error message. I browse to the ssl cgi-bin page using IE and accept the certificate when prompted. When I return to the wizzard and try again and get the same "problem with certificate message" and I can go no further. Any ideas?

        Located - Sunny Kent
        A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.


          I'm not an SSL expert so can't help there.

          Regarding your confirmation e-mails. Go to Advanced / Network Setup and run the test from there. If the test passes and you get the e-mail all is OK.

          If the test passes but you get no e-mail then your Email Address in View / Business Settings / Company / Contact / Contact may be wrong.

          You also need to check the boptions in View / Business Settings / Ordering / Miscellaneous.

          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Ran the test got an error message to say unable to verify but will send test message. I have spoken to my client whos says he has received the test email.
            But he has had no copies of customer order receipts or notification of new orders.
            I have placed an order using one of my other email addresses and did not get a order receipt email.
            Shall I put a support ticket in?
            Located - Sunny Kent
            A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.


              If the test Email came through, thats "the" major issue bypassed.

              Just check, as Norman suggests, that you have all the right Business options set to generate all of the Emails that you want.



                I think I can see why you get the "unable to verify" message, as all you've got for the server is "smtpserver" and not a full name (like "").

                Perhaps this is the reason mail isn't getting through.

                You could try experimenting with makin that smtpserver name fully qualified.

                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  I did query that with the hosting company and they confirmed all I need to use is "smtpserver"
                  I thought I may have to add something on the end, but apparantly not!!!
                  Located - Sunny Kent
                  A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.


                    You can look at the file error.err on your server (in the acatalog folder) then that will report what's happening.

                    You can use an FTP program to see it or even try something like:-


                    which works for me here.


                    PS you can have lots of fun by looking at other sites error logs this way.
                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      Lol thanks for that!- Well I can see there are errors but I dont know what to do about them!

                      this is one of them...

                      Program = ORDERSCR, Program version = 450 , HTTP Server = Microsoft-IIS/6.0 , Return code = 999 , Date and Time = 2004/03/24 13:46, Internal Errors = Error returned from SMTP server (4: Recipient Not Authorised [recipient rejected due to no authorised destination groups]

                      I've opened a support ticket and explained whats been going on. I take it support will look at the error log as well. I'll post the error to the hosting company as well and see if they can shed some light also.
                      Located - Sunny Kent
                      A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.


                        Just an update on this issue my hosting company have provided the following information

                        The SMTP server only accepts mail sent from scripts hosted on OH's servers and it doesn't require username and password authentication.
                        the scripts are uploaded and in place I know because the site is there and everything else functions!!!
                        I still dont understand why the emails will not send even though I have used the setting the the hosting comapny have told me to which is "smtpserver"

                        (Local host doesnt work)
                        Located - Sunny Kent
                        A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.


                          I would check out Norman's sendmail patch at (right at the bottom). This will bypass the SMTP server and just use the Perl Mailer module instead.


                            ok I may just do that.

                            There are some other site related issues that support are looking at at the the moment that might resolve the problem anyway

                            thanks for you help
                            Located - Sunny Kent
                            A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.


                              Thanks to actinic support and the chaps at open hosting, the site now functions and sends emails! After some remapping and 'finding' the scrpits on the server all I needed to do was change a path in advanced network settings. All done. Thanks to everyone who contributed.

                              Located - Sunny Kent
                              A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.

