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Price of Product in Sub-section

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    Price of Product in Sub-section


    I have used the "Advanced User Guide" to create a page of thumbnails in a subsection. The thumbnails are working fine and it's looking pretty good.

    However I would like the price of the product to appear under the thumbnail. It is easy to just have the thumbnail and no other details by selecting "Image Only - No text Show" in Section Link Layout. A description of the product can be added by using one of the other built in options or by adding "NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTEXT". This works fine, although, as I suggest, this is NOT what I want to be able to do. I want to be able to add the price of the product...

    So why does adding "NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTPRICE" not work? It simply appears in text as NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTPRICE underneath the thumbnail and not the actual price.

    At present I am using the NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTEXT variable and placing the price into the Description so that it appears under the thumbnail. However, this is a long winded way as I have to enter the product price twice for every item (over 500).

    Any help would be appreciated and I am more than prepared to explain further if I have confused you all!

    Thanks in advance.

    Bo Dollar

    Unfortunately you can't put the price with your thumbnail as this is really a Section heading (you just happen to have 1 Product in that section).

    In normal operation you could have many products in that section so the NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTPRICE would be meaningless.

    You could consider using the Extended info popup pages to hold all your product info and have limited info on the actual product.

    I've also posted some extensions that

    a) allow products to be laid out in columns (search for products in columns)

    b) move the cart button and all product data to the Extended Info pages (search for add to cart on popup)

    You could use these together to get what you want.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thank you Norman, your response makes perfect sense and I suspected this was the case. The extended product information pop-up is already being widely used by each product, so I dont think this is really an option for me just to display the price. I think it might be best to stick with what i've got! As I said, so far I've laid out the sub-section into columns (thumbnails) and used the Description box and NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTEXT variable to display the price.

      It looks like the attached, but it is flawed by the fact that each price needs to be entered in twice, creating the opportunity for errors in pricing to slip in.

      If anyone else has any suggestions i'd like to hear them, although i suspect that Norman is correct in saying that it cannot be done another way.
      Attached Files

