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None of the CGI scripts are working

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    None of the CGI scripts are working

    For some reason all of my CGI scripts have stopped working on my live site.

    I have tried generating the CGI scripts and refreshing my site - with no effect.

    I have tried restoring my website from an older version of my site - with no effect.

    I have tested the Network setup and this does not report any problems writting to the site.

    I have tried copying the CGI scripts from another live Actinic site which I own which are working fine into the live CGI script directory of this site. This has made some of the scripts work (the one which allows you to add items to the cart and return back to the product page) now seems to work.

    The script which seems to be causing the most problems is the as this script is used for the login for the shop and also the searching functionality, also product linking within the site.

    I have tried importing the site into the working Actinic site directory on my local machine and then refreshing the site online, which also doesn't appear to work as the snapshot also imports the cgi problems.

    Both my sites have been live and have been working fine. They are both hosted on the same server 123-reg on Host Europe servers.

    Please can anyone help with this one!!!

    I would ftp to the site delete all the actinic scripts in the cgi-bin, check your permissions are 755 and then do an upload.

    Watch to see if the scripts upload, if they don't, do a site refresh


      CGI scripts not working.

      Thanks for this suggestion.

      I have tried this and the first time this worked. However, I updated my local copy of my site and wanted to upload these new products to my live site.

      After completing the update, I expereinced the same problems again with the CGI scripts - Help!!!


        Hi Rey

        Your sites works for me; i have successfully placed an order by searching and got the reciept page.

        Here is the reference number; please ignore it: ATNORE10001185

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development

