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Problem using custom vars for navigation purposes

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    Problem using custom vars for navigation purposes

    I'm having a problem with adding links to sections. I want to be able to place a sub section at the top of a list of other sub sections. Each sub section has an html tag <a href name="#....."></a>. The top sub section has a list of links jumping straight to this named link. I have it patially working but what happens is the tag is placed in the section description and therefore the page jumps to far down the page. I have tried using customvars but with no luck.

    I use a similar system on products and this works fine. To show you what I mean I have a link to part of the site.

    This is created using the <a href name="...."></a> in the product description.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    I'm not sure I fully understand what you're trying to do though I do see how it works with products.

    I can see two possible ways of doing this:

    1. If the link takes you too far down the page, then you could do it by making each link have the href name of the next link. (you'd probably have to use customervars or hand build the links though).

    2. Create a product template that just holds the href name tag. This could then be placed where ever you wanted it to go. The problem with this way is that again you'd have to manually build the links and place the href names in the right place. It will also probably cause you problems with layout as the table spacing is usually significant.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


