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Continue Shopping button causes error

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    Continue Shopping button causes error

    I am using a Frames site based on "Groovy". After looking at the contents in the shopping basket you may wish to choose the "continue shopping" button. However the following error occurs Error: Error opening ./acatalog/Frameset.html (No such file or directory).

    I've tried refreshing the site but this hasn't helped.

    Anyone else experienced this error? If so, what did you do to fix it?

    Hi Dawn

    Can i please ask, do you get an error message when you go to

    "Advance | Network Setup" and click on the "Test" button

    The reason why i ask, is because the network setup information provides the information to tell where Actinic will upload its html files.
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development



      Test worked perfectly, no errors hightlighted.


        In your 'Path from CGI-BIN to Catalog directory', could you please try entering ../acatalog (with two dots)


          I've tried with two dots as suggested and got the following error message.

          The path from the cgi-bin to the acatalog directory is not correct.
          It appears as if the acatalog directory does not exist on the remote host.

          Possible Cause:
          The path from the cgi-bin to the acatalog directory is not correct.
          The acatalog directory has been
          removed or renamed.
          Run the Web | Configure Web Site Details. Check "Confirm Each Setting" and verify that the setup looks correct. Verify that the acatalog directory exists on the web site and is readable by the web server. Then try to refresh the site.

          Command: date Filename:



            Your Network Settings are correct - you can take out the extra '.' and put it back to './acatalog/'

            The problem has been turned out to be a bug in Actinic in framed stores - although we have only seen it happen when customers are logged in.

            You can wait until the next maintenance release for a fix, or else I would suggest changing your theme to 'Futuristic' in the 'Specific Designs' folder as this is identical to 'Groovy' - but just doesn't use frames. This is a better idea for your business long term as search engines are much more successful at looking through and indexing sites that do not use frames.

