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well here's a challenge

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    well here's a challenge

    Hi All,

    I am building a site for a client who among other products sells prints, mounts and frames.

    We wish to display each of these products in their own right.

    However when someone buys a print, on the same page
    we want to offer the right size mount for that print (with choice of colour and shape) with separate Add to cart button
    and the correct size frame (with choice of colour and style) and separate Add to cart button.

    An additional complication is that I wanted the prints split into categories eg animals, people etc with a thumbnail for each category and then a thumbnail page for the prints within each category that then takes you through to an individual product page with the Add to cart button etc.

    Ideally I only want thumbnails of the print images showing, not the add on product images.

    Any thouhgts or assistance would be much appreciated.

    Brian Hitcham

    It's a challenge, but a challenge that Actinic is more than capable of meeting.

    First of all, create a section with all your mounts and frames in as separate products.

    Then create a product for a print. Within it, create a component called 'Mount' and a component called 'Frame'. Within 'Mount' create two attributes called 'Size' and 'Colour' and create appropriate choices within each of those. Within 'Frame' create choices called 'Colour' and 'Style' and create appropriate choices within each of those.

    Now go into your 'Mount' component and switch to the 'Permutations' tab. Click 'Fill List' and then use the 'Product' field to select the appropriate mount product (you have allready created) for each combination of choices. You can even select 'Price From Associated Product' to automatically bring in the mount prices. Now do the same for the 'Frame' component.

    With regards to the section thumbnails, simply put each print within its own section and then use a thumnail image of the print as the section image for that section.

    In 'Design | Options | Sections' under 'Default Location and Arrangement of Section Lists', set the two 'column count' fields to '3'. Then in 'Design | Options | Layouts', change the 'Default Section List Layout' to 'Images Only'.


      Thanks Chris,

      I'll get cracking

      Brian Hitcham

