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Defaulting the date prompt

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    Defaulting the date prompt

    I've got another sticky question...

    For most items in my catalog, I need to use the 'Date other prompt' to capture a date to send the product. Actinic very nicely allows you to specify default year to year values, eg. 2003 to 2004.

    However, when viewing the product, the date field defaults to 1st January 2003, when what I really need is for the date to default to TODAY + 1, to stop customers trying to set the date to a date that has already passed.

    In addition, if the user enteres a date that have already passed, I need actinic to error, telling them this fact before they can add the item to the cart.

    As always, any light shed on this will be well received.

    Kind regards,


    No ideas this end I'm afraid. You might be able to do the validation with JavaScript on the product page.

