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scripting error on secure pages

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    scripting error on secure pages

    Hi there,

    I'm a first time caller.

    I've had a couple of ongoing problems with my actinic shop, which I've just been putting up with.

    1) I get a scripting error 'error on page' shown on the status bar when folk visit my secure pages to pay for a product. It doesn't stop the shopping cart from working, but I'm worried that it's putting people off buying. Any ideas?

    2) I cannot get my mail SMTP server to work through the actinic software. Everything is set up as it should be in the 'Advanced Network Settings', but people who order do not get an automatic receipt, I can't send any mail out of the software and it doesn't send a receipt to my e-mail to let me know that a catalogue order has been received. This did all work when I had a shared SSL, but there were problems with that, so now I have my own SSl certificate, the situation has changed. All I can think of is that it's a problem with my service provider, but I don't know what questions to ask?

    I hope someone can help.



    I get a scripting error 'error on page' shown on the status bar when folk visit my secure pages to pay for a product.
    The problem is that there are these two lines in the checkout headers:

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actinicextras.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

    But the store pages are looking for these *.js files in whereas actually they are in

    Try changing your 'Catalog URL' field in the 'SSL URLs' tab from:


    That may well do it.
    I cannot get my mail SMTP server to work through the actinic software.
    There are two answers you will get on this community when you ask a mail server question.

    1) Try using 'localhost' as the SMTP server name.

    2) Check with your web host whether they support 'sendmail'. If so, apply Norman Rouxel's patch here to effectively send messages without an SMTP server: (right at the bottom)


      Thanks Chris. First problem solved - brilliant! Still working on the mail problem, but have forwarded your comments to my service provider.

      Thanks again.


