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Importing Dreamweaver - design issues

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    Importing Dreamweaver - design issues

    Hello -

    New user of actinic - I am desparate. Please help.

    I asked a web designer to make changes in actinic design - change font color, size alignment - she worked in Dreamweaver on her computer- she uploaded new design to web...

    ok now how can I download to my computer so web and my computer are consistent- I tryed to move her files using ftp file mover???? did not work

    will I be able to use actinic software to make product imputs etc. ?

    How can I make my own design changes in future - I do have Frontpage????

    Please can you all help -

    Thanks - frustrated in Oregon

    Hello Frustrated in Oregon
    I asked a web designer to make changes in actinic design - change font color, size alignment - she worked in Dreamweaver on her computer- she uploaded new design to web...
    This is really important: did your web designer edit the generated HTML pages for your store, or did she edit the templates?

    If she edited the generated HTML pages then there is going to be no way for you to then make changes to your Actinic store without disrupting the design. This is because changes to pricing etc. must be made in Actinic, and then the templates are the what Actinic uses to lay out your store data into pages.

    Any design changes need to be made in the templates.

    Check with your designer about this - it may just be that you do not have the templates that she edited within your copy of Actinic.


      Design Change

      Thanks for the response about design. The web designer edited the html pages - she is not familar with Actinic - or the language - so it looks like I have a big problem.

      Where is the template - how do I change the font (type, color, size) and the justification when I get there? Is this outlined in the advance guide I looked but no luck -

      Can you check out my site? On the web it is the designers version????? should I replace the worrk she did with my old Actinic set up?

      Thank you so much for the help -

      (now nervous in Oregon)



        I have had a look at your site.

        There are a couple of choices about changing designs / layouts / colours.

        First, you do need to retrieve the HTML files that your designer put onto the web for you. You should be able to FTP these from the web site to your PC using any of the available FTP programs (not Actinic - it doesn't work that way).

        Indeed (although I have never done it that way) you could probably use Frontpage - I would suggest that you start by creating a one page Frontpage web site NOT in your Actinic directory, but someplace else - and then establish Frontpage's Remote Connection, using your web FTP settings, and then ask Frontpage to retrieve all of the Web stuff (you might as well take it all to start with).

        Now at least you should have a PC version of everything possible.

        I believe that your site (at least as you currently have it) could easily be built using pure Actinic. I don't know what in particular your designer added. But my preferred route would be to use Actinic as far as possible for everything - it really is fairly(!) easy.

        You could (once you have PC versions of the HTML) make alterations to that, alongside Actinic, but you probably need to understand fairly well just how Actinic is working to keep this working smoothly.

        I didn't see a lot of products on your site (just a couple of membership options) is that right at the moment?

        How well do you know Frontpage (and Actinic?) - Email me if you want to take this off-line.


        (not quite so nervous in London)


          Looking at your site - your designer has just used the 'Curves' theme with a custom logo image. If you get the 'snapshot' from your designer's copy of Actinic you'll have the site up and running again in no time. All the colours should be set already - but you can tweak them in 'Design | Colours'. You can then edit the font face by going to 'Design | Options | Site Defaults' and changing the value of 'ACTCSSFONTFAMILY' to 'Times New Roman'.

