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What is the link to use for site preview?

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    What is the link to use for site preview?

    Hi there,
    Please be patient, this is not easy for me to describe.

    I have just revamped my website with new templates and have got rid my 'NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE', instead I am now using my own graphics with hard coded links.

    My problem is this:
    Obviously with the links being hard coded I cannot go from my brochure page into my store pages (when clicking on enter store for instance). It will simply find the store page from my online website.

    Q. Is there a link that I can substitute on my enter store graphic that will link to the preview pages when previewing and then change to the website links when uploaded?

    I know that I can use "........Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\Site1\PreviewHTML\P_index.html" etc
    to view the already generated pages but I would like to navigate my store offline whilst previewing.

    I hope that made sense, any help appreciated.


    If you do a 'site preview' rather than 'page' then all the static pages will be generated offline using their real name with the P_ prefix.

    That should be the answer you want but it sounded like you knew this already. Let me know if I've missed something.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks for your reply Mike,
      I can do that no problem, the files are obviously generated and my first page (brochure page) is shown.
      My problem is that when clicking on my links on this brochure page(which are now hard coded) I am obviously sent out of the preview and to the relevant page on my website.

      My only temporary solution is to put a link on my desktop of the catalog index page to view the files once they have been generated.

      I am after changing my hard coded links to some sort of netquotevar or similar that is normally used in the 'NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE' to generate the preview page links when previewing but then send the correct website links when uploading.

      I'm sure this must be possible as the 'NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE' does this automatically. where are the necessary codes needed to generate these links?





        You could also consider using a "localhost" web server based on your development PC. All the software is available free of charge, and the procedure is documented in the Actinic Advanced User Guide.

        It works and its fast.



          Yeah I had tried that.
          Kept getting errors when progressing through the store, now war ftp will not go online so I have given up on it until I chill out a bit.
          Going to have to start from scratch with that I think.


            I found this on page 19 of the AUG:
            .....If you prefer, you can just use the URL of each navigation button as part of your own custom navigation control. To do this simply add the word 'LINK' onto the end of any of the above variables, and place them within an <a> tag. For instance:
            <a href="NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBCARTLINK">. . .</a>
            …will create a link to the shopping cart.
            These do work but unfortunately these types of inputs cannot be used on the brochure pages.

            Getting close, but not close enough.


              I know exactly what you mean, and it is annoying.

              I tend to do a whole site preview, then I click on the green 'Online Catalogue' icon and do a page preview.

              Alternatively, I would just create a brochure fragment, and then embed a link to P_index.html within the fragment. Just remember to delete this fragment when you are ready to upload the store.

