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Choice-dependent price reduction?

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    Choice-dependent price reduction?


    Is it possible to create choice-dependent pricing via components etc which reduces the price of an main item rather than increasing it?

    I'm selling publications - visitors can buy a hardback copy for GBP5 or a softback copy for GBP3. I want to display the hardback price and details on the product page, and have hardback and softback as component options.

    I've set up softback as a separate (hidden) product and have linked it through via the Product column in the Permutations tab.

    Trouble is, I can't find a way to configure the system so that choosing softback results in the correct price coming through to the cart... It seems to want to add the GBP3 to the GBP5, resulting in a price of GBP8 for the softback.

    I'm sure I'm missing something...

    Ta in advance,

    If you set the price of the product at £5.00 but then set the 'Pricing Model' field within the 'Components' tab to 'Sum of Component Prices' then Actinic will ignore this price when the product is added to the cart.

    That way, you can set the price of the hardcover choice at £5.00 and the softcover choice at £3.00.





        OK - a follow-on query...

        I've set up the product page as follows - the book's details (ie, the "Hardback" product details), a quantity box, and, using a drop-down selector, a choice of "Hardback" and "Softback".

        I want to allow the buyer to order as many hardbacks as he wants, but a maximum of one softback.

        I've set the "Maximum quantity" on the (hidden) Softback product in Catalog to "1", but I'm still able to choose as many as I like when I test the page...

        I suspect that because I'm using the Hardback product as the "master" product displayed on the page (with the Softback product hidden and associated to it via the component permutation setting), the allowable quantity setting will always be drawn from the Hardback details.

        Is there any way around this?

        Hope this makes sense....

        Cheers v,


          You are correct - only the main product 'Max Qty Orderable' and 'Min Qty Orderable' fields are used when adding to cart. They are ignored for any products that are associated with components. Sorry about that - it is a known limitation and there is no way around it as far as I know. The only way would be to have separate products in the HTML for hardback and paperback.

