Not sure if I am doing something wrong, but I now seem to have numerous problems importing from a file.
I have an excel spreadsheet with nearly 1000 line, but when converted to a tab file it refuses to load many items. The only way I seem to be able to import correctly is reduce the feilds down, create specific end of line strings on each line abnd save as tab delimited file. Then open in word and do many find and replace runs to remove unwanted fields from many lines and finaly replace the EOL string with a end of paragragh character!
It then will (mostly) import.
This seems a rather complicated way to import the file!
Any suggestions (apart from upgrading, as I am in discussion with my Bank as to why they offer free upgrades but supply old software!)
I have an excel spreadsheet with nearly 1000 line, but when converted to a tab file it refuses to load many items. The only way I seem to be able to import correctly is reduce the feilds down, create specific end of line strings on each line abnd save as tab delimited file. Then open in word and do many find and replace runs to remove unwanted fields from many lines and finaly replace the EOL string with a end of paragragh character!
It then will (mostly) import.
This seems a rather complicated way to import the file!
Any suggestions (apart from upgrading, as I am in discussion with my Bank as to why they offer free upgrades but supply old software!)