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Add On Products

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    Add On Products

    Trying to come up with a way to display 3 thumbnails along side of a product that would be under a "May we suggest" heading. Hoping that one could add one or all of these three "suggested products" to the cart. I was thinking that these thumbnails could be links that bring up the extended info page with any attributes or components and the add to cart button. Willing to pay someone for this programming. These thumbnails need to be easily changed as they are related to the main product being viewed. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    I have attached a jpeg image of what I am looking for. This may have to be done by limiting column count of main product to 2 and using the third for my "May we Suggest" column. I would like the add to cart button moved to the left as well. Thanks in advance for reading my post.

    Troy Wilcox

    There's no image attached above.

    You can probably do this with Components (although their quantity is inextricably linked to the Product quantity).

    Also have you looked at the Single Add To Cart Button per page type Sections. This allows you to buy several products with one click.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Here is the image, I think it was too big originally.
      Attached Files


        This can probably be done.

        I've a posted a method for getting Add to Cart and Attributes onto the popup Extended Info pages. See

        Then you'd need a custom main Product Template that lays out that product on the left 2/3rds of the screen. It would then start a table for the ancillary products.

        You would then have your 3 additional products, using stripped down templates that only show the Name, Image, Price and a "More..." button. The Extended info page that "More..." link pops up would have all the choices and cart button stuff as per my link above. You'd have to make duplicates of your real products as I'm sure you also want to sell these in their usual place.

        To automate this some additional JavaScript would be needed in Act_ProductSeparator.html and Act_ProductBody.html to maintain that unusual layout.

        This isn't a trivial exercise so contact me by e-mail if you'd like some idea of timescale and costs.


        p.s. Look at and you'll see an upsell item as a sub-product.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Thanks Norman


          Could you contact me tomorrow so we talk some more about what I am trying to achieve. If you are able to do it, we would certainly be interested in getting a quote for the work. Thanks for your prompt replies.



            You can e-mail me through the Forum. If I don't hear from you I'll e-mail back.

            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Whew!!! I was interested enough to spend a night and day working up most of the solution.

              Take a look at and you'll see more or less what you were after.

              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

