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Vertical spacing between quantity box and "Add to Cart" button on product pages

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    Vertical spacing between quantity box and "Add to Cart" button on product pages


    I've noticed something a bit odd about the vertical spacing the quantity box and the "Add Cart" button for each product on product pages, which I think is associated with the use of components. It seems that where a product is made up of components, then this gap is much larger than is normally the case. I wonder if anyone else has come across this, and if anything can be done about it.

    As an example, look at, click on "Wines" (bottom LHS) then select "Mixed Cases". Scroll down the page, looking at all the mixed cases with codes 195000-195008. These are all made up of components, i.e. the other wines in the catalogue. Each of these has this large vertical gap. Now scroll to the very bottom, and look at the "Lucky Dip" case. This one is not made of components, and the vertical gap appears normal - the same as for all the other products on all the other pages in the catalogue, none of which are made of components.

    Any ideas?


    Fighting with sellerdeck on

    Hmm - you're right. I've never really got to the bottom of this one.

    One suggestion, try editing the template called 'Act_VariantComponentName.html' to look like this:

    <!-- VariantAttributeName HTML begin -->
    <!-- This template is used for attribute name. -->

    <span CLASS="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:COMPONENTNAME</span>

    <!-- This template is used for attribute name. -->
    <!-- VariantAttributeName HTML end -->

    i.e. remove all <p> tags and remove the <blockquote> tags as well. If you are using price schedules, you may want to leave in NETQUOTEVAR:PRICEEXPLANATION - I have removed it from the code above.


      Hi Chris

      I tried your suggestion and can report as follows:-

      It has made a small difference to the behaviour; the fundamental problem is however still there. Products made of components still have the extended vertical gap between the quantity box and the "Add to Cart" button. Those which are not made of components do not. However, those which are made of components now seem to have a variable excess vertical gap, whereas before it appeared consistently excessive!

      It's on the site if you want another look.

      Fighting with sellerdeck on


        Hmmm... It is another one of these <BR>s - this time in (-1, 2045) in 'Design | Text | Website | HTML'. If you remove the <BR> tags from there it removes the gap.

        I'm actually going to report this as a bug - if the component is non-optional then there should clearly be no <BR> there.


          Hi Chris

          That sorted it - thanks.
          Do you reckon we should keep the mod made in Act_VariantComponentName.html, or undo it? Or doesn't it matter?


          Fighting with sellerdeck on


            It will not make any difference to the store pages - it was just this <BR> that was causing the issues.


              OK so I won't bother chaning the file back. Anyway, maybe time to fill out another bug report form - on a similar theme, have a look on the site (mixed cases section, last few) at the vertical spacing between the description and the line with the price on. I carefully checked there were no CRs at the end of the descriptions, yet for those products made of components, this gap is 1 line greater than for the Lucky Dip case (no components).

              I guess it's something similar - a minor one but it would be nice to put it right.


              Fighting with sellerdeck on

