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Varying Discounts/Surcharges

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    Varying Discounts/Surcharges

    I accept Paypal and Nochex as 2 of my payment methods, and I want to add a separate surcharge for each of them. I know I can do this in the 'discounts' tab as a minus figure for a surcharge, but that would apply the same surcharge to all payment methods, even those that I don't want to have a surcharge (like cheque's, etc). How can I get around this problem asap, as I'm losing money when people pay via Paypal, but increasing the price will put other people off and make me not competitive.

    I need this solved asap if possible

    Hi David,

    I'm afraid there is no way you can add a surcharge on a payment method at the present moment. However, there will be an option to add a surcharge to a payment method in the next major version of Actinic, which will be release later this year

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

