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Setting a maximum quantity on a component?

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    Setting a maximum quantity on a component?

    (With apologies for x-posting from the end of an earlier thread...)

    I've set up a product page for selling Hardback and Softback versions of book titles as follows...

    - The book's details (taken from the "Hardback" product details)
    - A quantity box
    - Using a drop-down selector, a choice of "Hardback" and "Softback" (set up as components, with the Softback choice associated to a separate and "hidden" Softback product to allow for stock monitoring).

    I want to allow the buyer to order as many hardbacks as he wants, but a maximum of one softback per title.

    I've set the "Maximum quantity" on the (hidden) Softback product in Catalog to "1", but I'm still able to choose as many as I like when I test the page...

    I suspect that because I'm using the Hardback product as the "master" product displayed on the page (with the Softback product hidden and associated to it via the component permutation setting), the allowable quantity setting will always be drawn from the Hardback details.

    Is there any way around this?

    Hope this makes sense....

    Cheers v,

    Answered here.

