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Compact product layout problems

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    Compact product layout problems

    It would be nice to make some product pages of the form

    image | prodname | price | ext_link | (quantity | cart_image_link
    ----------------------- line_separator ----------------------------
    image | prodname | ..... etc...

    i noticed that Actinic processesNETQUOTEVAR:ADDTOCARTBUTTON into a <P> + checkbox(es) + <BR>, etc

    ideally i'd like to lay all of each product details on one line, without all the extra whitespace that actinic generates - any ideas?

    on a similar note, is there any way of shortening the text "including VAT at 17%" which NETQUOTEVAR:TAXMESSAGE always generates?

    You can change the Act_CartButtonImage.html template (in Site1) to remove the <p> (and the </p>).

    Also in Act_productPrice.html, replace




    and that's the message gone.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      it's the 1st thing i did --> to no avail

      <!-- info, i get this problem when laying out products with associated components -->

      since then i've found that by getting rid of the <p></p> and <BR> in Act_VariantComponent.html and ActVariantCheckbox.html, i now only have one <BR> generated by Actinic
      if i then switch to VariantAddtoCartButton i lose the <BR>, but i also lose some information like the checkbox/component info that Actinic inserts with normal AddtoCartButton... i wanted to INCLUDE the ActVariantCheckbox with the alternative cart button, but Actinic just looks at it as text and doesn't generate the ID, etc --- i probably don't understand how to use it properly - any ideas?

      it would still be nice if the tax message was on the Design | Options menu

      thanks for your input


        Here's some code from the 'Designing With Actinic Developer' Guide...

        Laying Out Product Information in Very Compact Rows

        So far, we have not talked about changing the configuration of the actual product cells within the tables. Enter the following code into a new Notepad file and save it as 'Act_ProductLineCompact.html'. It will lay out each product within a very compact individual row:
            <td colspan="3">
              <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                  <td width="250">NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME</td>
                  <td align="right" width="100">NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTPRICE</td>
                  <td align="right">NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTQUANTITY</td>
                  <td align="right">NETQUOTEVAR:ADDTOCARTBUTTON</td>
        There are a few changes you will need to make to other templates to get this to work well:

        1. Act_ProductBody.html – Change cellpadding="10" to cellpadding="5" in the main product table.
        2. Act_ProductPrice.html – Remove the <br> at the beginning of the code and insert a <br> just before NETQUOTEVAR:TAXMESSAGE.

        3. Act_CartButton.html – Remove the <p> from the start of the template and the </p> from the end of the template.

        Next, in 'Design | Text':

        1. Go to (-1, 2173) and replace the first %s with <!-- %s -->. This will remove the 'Quantity' word from next to the quantity field.

        2. Go to (-1, 219) and replace 'Including %s' with 'Inc. VAT'. This assumes you are showing tax inclusive pricing and your tax is called VAT.

        You can now select this template for any section where you want the products to be laid out within a compact grid. It works best if the 'shopping mode' is set to 'Quantity on Product Page' (with or without a single add to cart button per page).

