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What is error.err

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    What is error.err

    Since we upgraded to V6 this file that resides on our server is expanding rapidly.

    Hundreds of lines of the following are being entered.

    Program = ORDERSCR, Program version = 450 , HTTP Server = Rapidsite/Apa/1.3.29 (Unix) Fr, Return code = 999 , Date and Time = 2004/04/10 07:46, Internal Errors = The site configuration has been updated by the shop operator while you are checking out. Please navigate back to the product pages by pressing the Browser Back button and try again or contact the site owner.

    At no time have we updated, changed or checked for orders when these lines are added. We also never recieve an order around the time of the error.

    Does this mean that orders are being lost, our visitor/orders ratio has dived since upgrading to V6, just a thought.

    This has been an ongoing issue. See these threads (among others):

    Actinic has not offered any real explaination. A few may be related to server glitches, but I think it has to do more with something with the client, such as a bad cookie. I get them occasionally, even though my SSL is the same server as the catalog so there is no cross communication.
    Bob Ladden


      Thanks Bob

      I did search the forum before posting, however I did not find the other threads.

      Have seen now


        I do not seem to have an error.err file on my server. Should I have? If I should, is it missing because there is a problem or because I have had no errors?


          The reason it is not there is because you have no errors.


            That makes a change!

