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Errors in pearl scripts

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    Errors in pearl scripts

    Hi I have the problem that I have upgraded to the new 6.4 verseion and my whole shop is now unusable.

    I have run debugs on the scripts and there are at least 10 errors in the first file alone. The error debug is produced by my ISP when I run the script on their debut mode.

    the errors have been produced by the scripts and I would very much like someone in charge to tell me why I am getting these errors in my scripts.

    thank you very much indeed
    Whizz Shop

    Upgrade support

    I noticed I need to purchase the cover to be able to use the up-date. OK but I have made the mistake that I first of all downloaded the Actinic Catalogue and upgrade my business files with it, and then noticing the mistake downloaded the business upgrade and installed this.

    Now it seems all I need is the key for the upgrade to work? is this correct?

    Or would it be better if I uninstalled the mess I created and re-installed fresh from the backup I have?

    Will I have to wait until Tuesday?
    Whizz Shop


      errors in pearl scripts

      Just to correct this.

      I have tired the upgrade again and unfortunately the upgrade does not function, even with the correct patch and installer.

      The pearl scripts produced by the upgrade to not merge on the server and contain lots of errors.

      I have not made changes to the scripts and this is beyond my capabilities to sort this out without specialist help.

      Too expensive I should say but I am happy to use the previously purchased version 6.1.3 without problems, sorry I can't upgrade now to include the NOCHEX, due to this problem
      Whizz Shop


        I'm not sure what the problem you're having is but you don't need Actinc Cover to upgrade within a version.

        i.e. going from 6.1.3 to 6.1.4 does not require cover.

        There are a few other posts on this forum about perl problems with the 6.1.4 upgrade and I'm sure the solution has already been posted by Chris. Take a look through the last week or two of posts.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Have you tried the suggestion I gave you earlier?
          As an immediate suggestion, I would suggest copying all the *.pm and *.pl
          scripts from your 'Original' folder into your 'Sites\Site1' folder and then
          do a 'Web | Refresh Website'. This often sorts out upgrade errors with
          Any joy?

          Also, go to 'Help | TroubleShooting' and click 'Web Site Analysis'. What Perl version does it say your server is running? If it is 5.0.2-5.0.5 then there is a fix to get your store working with this Perl version.



            Sorry about the double posting, it's hard now to get out of it as people keep on replying to both threads.

            I shall only continue with this thread.

            the perl version I do not understand because when I ran the website analysis some time ago it came up with 5.00404 but when I rang DEMON they said it can run up to 5.008, that the higher version would not be a problem, but when I recently tried to run the website analysis it keeps on coming up as "This page cannot be displayed".

            So I assume the problem is the perl version as I find it hard to believe that you people would be producing something so faulty judging from the past experience I have had with this quality product and the prizes you have won.

            Thank you
            Whizz Shop


              upgrading perl version

              I would be grateful if someone could enlighten me with this perl version situation on a DEMON server.

              every time I try to run the web analysis I get "this page cannot be displayed" and a positive test email back.

              Because I got contradicting messages from the earlier web analysis and from DEMON support maybe somebody who has experience with DEMON could help me to shed some light onto this mystery.

              thanking you in advance for your support
              Whizz Shop


                perl version

                I just rang DEMON and they told me that if I put into the perl path to /bin/perl5.8.0 that will force the higher perl version

                I have now tried this and this works for me

                I was just puzzled because the ACTINIC instructions strictly say that per5 has to be put into the perl path.

                So there is another way to solve this problem apart from getting the fix and pay £360 + VAT for support for DEMON users.

                Anybody need help configuring the DEMON server ask me I may be able to help because the advise given on this site is not correct.
                Whizz Shop


                  When you configure your network settings you have to tell actinic where it can find perl on your server.

                  This info is supplied by your host.

                  Thus if DeMON says the path to perl is /bin/perl5.8.0 that is what you must use.

                  I was just puzzled because the ACTINIC instructions strictly say that per5 has to be put into the perl path.
                  Are you sure actinic says you have to put per5 in the perl path, I thought all actinic say is that your host must have version 5 or above installed



                    I would have to dig to find the written proof for this but anyhow I have solved my problem theoretically.

                    I just have to find the stregth now to try the actual up-grade again.

                    thanks jo for all your kind replies
                    Whizz Shop

