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No bounce on some producrs

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    No bounce on some producrs

    I have just added another product, stretcher bars, to my site and notice this is sticking on the shopping cart when ordering. Most of the other products bounce back, as expected.
    I have set the site bounce delay to 1
    This item has a sub section with qty in shopping cart
    Product with zero price and the price model set to "Sum of Components"
    Multiple components, each individually priced, qty used 1, separate order line, optional and associated with the product.
    This displays all components as check boxes and an "Add to Cart" button
    Any ideas?

    Another thought...
    Could this be a feature of having zero price on the product and individual prices on each of the components?
    The site is running 6.1.3


      The issue is that the 'Shopping Mode' for this section has been set to 'Quantity on Shopping Cart' rather than 'Quantity on Product Page'.

      Check the 'Layout' tab for the section. If it set to 'Use Parent Settings' then it will inherit the settings from the section that it is within (or else it will inherit the settings from 'Design | Options | Shop Defaults').


        Thanks Chris.
        The default quantity in the box is now zero, although the product minimum is one. This means customers have to set the quantity before ticking the check boxes and adding the selection to cart. Is it possible to have the default quantity set to be one, to make it easier to buy?


          The default quantity is '0' becasue you have also got 'Single Add To Cart Button Per Page' selected in the 'Shopping Mode' area.

          De-select this to have a default quantity of '1' against each product.

