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Postage Charge For 3rd Party Delivery Address

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    Postage Charge For 3rd Party Delivery Address

    My customer bills his customers £5 P&P for any order under £100 and provides free delivery for any orders over £100. Nice and simple! However, he bills customers a flat fee of £7.50 P&P if they want the order delivered to a third party address, whatever the value of the order.

    So my question is can I setup shipping and handling to charge customers £7.50 if they want the order shipped to a third party address other than the invoice address? And if there isn't a way through shipping and handling is there another way of forcing this?

    Many thanks

    Anthony Deeming

    Green Jersey Web Design Ltd

    There's no function within Actinic to do this. All I can suggest is having additional shipping classes within the drop down for charging the extra £7.50 and then relying on the customer's honesty to select the correct shipping method.


      a small change to should work

      look for the line:

      my $nTotalCost = 0;

      insert the following code immediately below my $nTotalCost line

      if ($::g_LocationInfo{SEPARATESHIP} ne '')
      $nTotalCost = 250;

      this will change the shipping basis if a different address is entered, adding #2.50 to the shipping cost


        Hi Paul

        Thanks for taking a look at this for me.

        I've added your code but don't appear to get any changes in the carriage calculations?! It just works in the usual way i.e. £5.00 standard change under £100 and free over £100. If you try an alternative shipping desintation the calculation works in the same way.

        I've taken a look at the files sitting on the webserver, but can't find this one anywhere?! I just wanted to check that the new version I'd amended with your code had copied up.

        Anyway I've just done a site refresh and the calc's still works in the same way.

        Any ideas would be really appreciated.

        Anthony Deeming

        Green Jersey Web Design Ltd


          3rd Party Delivery Charge

          Any further developments to this, I am about to launch my site, but need to be able to apply a charge to my customers if they pick a seperate delivery address.

          Would ideally like it to automatically recognise that a 3rd party address has been entered and apply the correct carriage charge.

          I already have carriage charges set up but can't get an addtional charge for a 3rd party address.


            Hi Kevin

            No luck I'm affraid! I tried in vain to get the suggested script changes to work, but they didn't make any difference.

            My customer resorted to writing a clause in the T&C's and adding some text below the carriage charges, in the check out process, to show that an addition charge would be made to 3rd party delivery addresses that doesn't appear on the final total.

            It's a poor solution but they seem happy with it for the time being - until someone complains!

            Anthony Deeming

            Green Jersey Web Design Ltd

