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Help Please - nested tables

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    Help Please - nested tables

    Can anyone help please.

    We have just spent the last 2 days trying to get the look of the attached image by editing the Act_productline.html template.

    From within Dreamweaver we can achieve this, however when trying to adapt the code into Developer we are having no success.

    It is a basic nested table with 2 tables in total the first table is
    used for the dark border surrounding the other table is used for the NETQUOTEVAR'S and the laying out of the information.

    Kind regards,
    Attached Files

    This should not be too hard.

    Use the code surrounding NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTBULK in Act_ProductBody.html to set up the main outer table. The code should look like this....
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
    Then your product layout code should look something like this:
    <table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000">
        <!-- code for product in here -->


      Thanks for the help

      Hi Chris,

      We have not been able to try the solution yet Chris, the reason being that we have been distracted from the problem by something, which may interest you, concerning Fasthosts.

      For most of the day we have been trying to upload to a Fasthost linux server without success.

      After calling yourselves and Fasthosts, Menar kindly let me upload to your test server to do some tests.

      This was successful.

      So we gave Fasthosts a call, we were given a negative response by the representative on their support when mentioning Actinic.

      We were told that yes we would probably have success in uploading using a specially setup server.

      Fasthosts said that the problem was due to Actinic not being written properly and it was recommended that we use other software. Also we were told that Actinic requests a timeout of 30 mins to be set on the server, I don't understand these things to well but this is what we were told.

      We noticed that the upload problem was intermittent and may have been getting progressively worse as the product database grew.

      Fasthosts have fantastic re-brandable package even including the re-branding of their telephone support, which has been excellent, however it now looks like will have to plan on using Actinic with a different host.

      We know that Actinic has been liaising with Fasthosts to get the problems sorted and hope this info can be of some kind of use to you.

      Thanks again for the help you have given us and we will be trying out your solution to our design problem shortly, we'll let you know if we’re successful.

      Kind regards,
      Neil Lewis.


        Hi Neil

        Thanks for letting us know about Fasthosts' comments. Fasthosts are such a large company and although we do have a contact there, information about Actinic does not seem to be very effectively filtered amongst the support staff - so one team member will be able to get you working, whilst another may tell you to use another ecommerce solution!

        Here are the comments from our contact there when we passed on what you said...
        I am very surprised and dismayed about the comments from our support team and will bring this up in my meeting with our Frontline support team leader later today,
        If the Linux server you are uploading to is a RAQ server (you will need to check this with Fasthosts) then you must ensure that 'ASCII' uploading is enabled as by default, RAQ servers only allow 'BINARY' uploads - which corrupt the Actinic Perl scripts.


          Fasthosts server is now updating

          Hi Chris & The Support Team.

          We were about to give Fasthosts support a call to ask what you suggested.

          We tried a refresh of the site to test again before the call and the upload was successful without any changes to the site.

          It looks like what you said to their support has had an affect; we hope that this is the end of the problem

          We will keep you posted as to if the problem returns, as originally the problem was intermittent and in the end resulted in not being able to update or refresh at all.

          Kind regards,
          Neil Lewis (internetid

