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limit number of items per page

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    limit number of items per page

    V4 user

    How can I display a limited number of items on the page (i.e. 1-10, 11-20 etc) with appropriate links (previous/next etc)?

    I may only want this to apply to some sections so I can't use a global solution.

    Please note I've read some of the V6 workarounds and they leave me a bit cold so please keep your help below the expert level!

    Many Thanks

    Because v6 can automatically create links for taking you into the next or the previous section, any solution for v6 is actually going to be a lot simpler than any equivalent solution for v4. Sorry about that.

    The first thing you need to go is manually split a large section into several subsections and call these sub-sections '1-10', '11-20' etc.

    The next problem is how to link customers from one section to the next section. As there is no variable available for you to do this, you need to manually create links that take customers from one section to the next.

    To do this, create a 'dummy' product at the top and bottom of each section that contains the following HTML in the full description...
    <td colspan="3">
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
       <td><a href="http://your.URL/acatalog/Previous_section_name.html">Previous Section Name</a></td>
       <td align="right"><a href="http://your.URL/acatalog/Next_section_name.html">Next Section Name</a></td>

    'http://your.URL/acatalog/Previous_section_name.html' is the full URL of the section previous to this one.
    'Previous Section Name' is the name of the section previous to this one.
    'http://your.URL/acatalog/Next_section_name.html' is the full URL of the section afterthis one.
    'Next Section Name' is the name of the section after this one.

    Then select 'Hide on Web Site' and all that will appear in the web page is the HTML in the full description - which will insert the necessary links.

    Sorry that involves technical concepts, but that is the only way to do it in v4.


      Thanks for that Chris.

      Now, how do I avoid showing the extra page which lists the newly created sections 1-10, 11-20 etc? I'd like to link straight to the products within the first section (1-10) and from there use the next/previous links to go to the products contained within those sections?



        There is no way to avoid showing the intermediate page if you are using a section hierarchy that has been automatically generated by Actinic.

        To do what you want, you need to hide the automatically generated section hierarchy and then manually hard-code your own section links.

        Hide the generated section hierarchy by editing the settings in 'Design | Options | Sections'. Then enter the HTML to take the customers straight through to your sections within Act_CatalogBody.html. Replace NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTBODY with your custom links.

