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Entire site using SSL

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    Entire site using SSL

    To solve a problem, I've used SSL for the entire site.

    The URL bar keeps showing the standard http address and when you get to the payment page, it doesn't show that the transaction is secure but displaying a padlock since the payment page is a frame, and not the whole page.

    If you look at the properties for the payment frame it is, in fact, secure but the casual user won't see that.

    1 Which boxes do you click to make it obvious that the payment page is running under SSL?

    2 Is there another fix?

    3 How do you enable a non-framed page for the payment page but leave the framed site alone?

    4 In the worst circumstance where can a note be entered to assure the buyer that the payment page is secure?

    If you are using a custom frameset, I suggest you upgrade to 5.1.6.

    To break out of the frameset in payment, go to Design | Options Misc and click the question mark at the top right of the window and click it at 'No Frames in Checkout' The context sensitive help will show you what to do.

    Hope this helps.


