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Payment frame

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    Payment frame

    I have two webs using Actinic. Both have identical settings.

    I get different experiences using each site. The working site does not pop up a frame during checkout although it is still going through a secured link and will complete transactions.

    The other site will pop up a small framed window, takes the information but never finish the processing and freezes!

    I have used ftp to delete the entire acatalog directory and rebuilt without affecting the failed process.

    Any idea what is wrong?

    It could be that the cdi-bin folder has some scrambed files, but I'm not sure what to delete and what to leave in it.


    if you have 2 sites then each site should have a unique id for the cgi-bin. This is set in network settings - CGI script number. if they are the same then make them different ie 1 and 2.

    Once you have done this. FTP to the site and remove the contents of the cgi-bin (just the actinic files) and do a site update



      I deleted everything from the cgi-bin folder and republished.

      It's working much better now. Thanks.

      I still don't know why one site shows a purchase 3" x 3" frame, and the other doesn't when the settings are the same - or I think they are.

