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Act_Primary file does not respond

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    Act_Primary file does not respond


    I have tonight added some products to my store but upon updating, I receive the following message:

    Access to C/;\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\Site1\Act_Primary.html was denied

    I have gone into explorer and found the file in my Site1 folder, but when I right click and open, nothing happens. Txt files either side of it open successfully.

    I have tried shutting down and rebooting, the initial message I get when I open Actinic is:

    The specified layout preview bitmap could not be loaded (wrong assignment in ini file or bitmap file is missing) !

    I last updated my site last Friday, and also did a Site Snapshot then. This worked successfully and is what sites on the netty right now.

    Please can I have advise on next steps. Should I try A. replacing the Act_Primary file in Site1 with my last saved version (the last saved is 4 days older than the current one that does not open), B, import the the Site Snapshop from Friday, C, Other?

    The last edit I made was to which loaded successfully.

    Thanks for help here.


    I have come up with Option C...

    Go to my remote site, and pull back Act_Primary, and put it back into Site1 folder.

    I have had a look using Dreamweaver but I cannot see it, in fact I cannot see most Act_xxx.html files. Where should one look to see these?



      I would get the 4 day old act_primary plonk in in site1 and do a local preview.

      I am assuming you updated catalog since 4 days ago, but not any template


        Re: Act_Primary file does not respond

        Originally posted by Steven Barkess

        I have tonight added some products to my store but upon updating, I receive the following message:

        Access to C/;\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\Site1\Act_Primary.html was denied

        I am not sure if this file name contains a typo, but the ";" is illegal - assuming it is a typo, what operating system are you using "access denied" messages should be easy to sort out, they don't normally mean that something has gone missing, just that some directory access control bit has got set (to Read Only perhaps).




          I have tried deleting Act_Primary file in Site1 so that I can put a new one in but I get the message "Cannot delete, Access is denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that the file is not currently in use".

          I have also tried to import a site snap shot, the last one i saved was on Friday (16 April) and is up to date. Upon completion of the import, there appears no difference to where I was last night (Monday 19 April) when I had finished moving products around the sections in the store.

          I have tried rebooting but to no avail.

          To answer the question above, I am on Ms XP Home.

          Any further thoughts or help. Help!




            It looks like the file may be read only. Right click the file in Explorer (like you did to try and open it) and select properties - have a look at the tick boxes towards the bottom of the window, especially the one labelled read only, if this is marked with a cross, click the cross to unset it.

            If that still doesn't work, there may be some other things to try.



              Hi there.

              No, this is not it. I have also tried to set the whole Site1 folder contents as Read only, applying, and then deselecting it and applying, but no joy.



                hi steve

                i usually try dos when things get like this. run the command shell, navigate to your site1 folder, and try:

                attrib *.* -R

                then try deleting the file. if dos refuses to delete t, it means that your systems seems to think the file is being used by something else. if you're using any system lower than windows xp, this should work for at least deleting file. in xp, the command shell is almost completely useless, and just echoes back windows error messages.


                  The specified layout preview bitmap could not be loaded (wrong assignment in ini file or bitmap file is missing)
                  That message could be because one of the *.ini files in Site1 is corrupt or refers to a non-existent template or preview image.

                  Here's the default PrimaryTemplates.ini from the demo site.

                  Act_Primary.html=Actinic original primary template.
                  Act_PrimaryCheckout.html=Primary template for checkout (no menu bar)
                  Act_ReceiptPrimary.html=Printer friendly receipt template
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                    i experienced this error message on opening catalog when I was over zealous and deleted the bmp files in site1.

                    I copied them back in and catalog now opens fine



                      My version was not having any of it. I tried doing a site import from where I was, but given then difficulties, this had no effect.

                      I have uninstalled, reinstalled from CD, downloaded upgrade to v6.14 (what i was on), and also downloaded the patch for HSBC.... and then retried the import of my snap shot from Friday.

                      This appears to have worked. I have lost some images that I had added to my extended info page since Fridat, but that is not serious. Good resolution.

                      I think this is a good example of how valuable site snap shots are!!

                      Thanks all on board for advice (and Techno-Web).




                        Another solution


                        I found this thread as I was having the exact same problem. I have two sites on this version of actinic (7) and didn't want to uninstall. I found that permissions had been turned off/eradicated for some of the files (do't know the rhyme or reason except that they mostly were files with shorter names and no underscores). I kept generating previews and the files causing the problem were flagged up - I then fixed them by right clicking, going to security, clicking add, adding my windows user name (click check names to make sure you have the right path) then allowing full control. I have done the same to all the directories and it seems to be running fine now....

                        I think an update of norton and/or windows was the culprit.

