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Splitting across 2 computer woes

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    Splitting across 2 computer woes

    Hi Everyone

    We have been running Actinic Business for quite a while now on one PC, this computer was used for processing orders and catalog maintenance, the original site was created on Catalog v6 and then moved to business as an upgrade and has generally worked very well.

    As our company has now expanded we have had to split the processing between 2 computers, in remote offices. One downloading and processing orders while the original installation will be used for the maintenance of the system.

    We researched the way to do this and so we installed business on the second computer and copied the site one folder into the new computer, the site1 folder was copied over on CD and so we had to take off all of the Read Only permissions on the folders and files but when the new computer tries to download orders it reports " Cant find the database and the website will remain unchanged "

    We also get an error message about incorrect versions of Perl scripts on the site and the new installation.

    I hope someone can shed some light on it for us - I have access to the original installation but the second installation is about 50 miles away but I can probably get any info you need by telephone.

    What I thought may work is to copy BOTH the Site1 folder and the Original folder from the original computer to the second computer so they all have the same files and so should work because it all works fine on the original computer.

    Thanks in advance


    Hi Russ

    Probably the easiest way to do what you are trying to do is use the snapshot feature in Actinic.

    On your original machine go to File | Sites | Snapshot | Export Site. That will give you a snapshot file (.acd) which you can take over to other machine and Import (File | Sites | Snapshot | Import Site), as long as both machines are using the same version it should all run smoothly - the relevant encryption key information will be included and orders can be retrievded.

    One last thing you may want to do on the downloading machine is restrict what they can do with the software, i.e make it download orders only.

    Do this by going to View | Business Settings | Optiosn | Allow on this pc... and you can have just Order Processing checked.



      I wouldn't tinker with copying anything other than the SIte1 folder between systems.

      In both Actinic systems do Help / About to see if you've installed identical versions.

      If you go the copy Site1 folder route (has never failed for me) then you must also copy (via a textfile) the info in Housekeeping / Security.

      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Tried the snapshot :-(

        Hi Guys

        We tried using the snapshot method without success, I will explain;

        The snapshot exported fine from the original system and so we transfered it over to the new computer.
        The new computer started the import wizard OK and but then after saying it was about to start the import it throws up a dialog box saying "Catalog has caused an error in unknown and will now close" and then it just closes down.

        Any ideas why ? we checked the versions and they are the same.

        Any help would be appreciated.




          Tried again

          Hi Guys

          We restarted the computer and tried again andthe snapshot sems to import successfully, all existing orders are visible Yeeehaaaaa.

          When we go to download the new orders we get the following message;
          The Server scripts are incompatible with this version of actinic ecommerce, refresh the website - if order processing is split from web maintenance then the 2 copies of Actinic e-commerce must be upgraded to the same version.

          If the error persists copy the scripts from the Original subdirectory and try again, server version 6CNNA, client version 6DDVA.

          The 2 copies of business are identical - we checked - do you think this could be caused because the original site on the maintenance computer was created in standard Catalog v6? but it has been run in Business for 6 months.

          Has anyone got any suggestion how I can get around this - it says copy the script from the Original directory into the site1 directory and I notice that this has been covered before but should I copy in the Original folder from the new client installation or the www maintenance machine that had the original site on it.

          Thanks in advance



            OK, I understand what is being said, BUT...
            I have two clients, one with full version, one with LE.
            I have both versions and both sites on my workstation. Both sites work without error. Both update pages and both can retrieve orders. All is OK.

            However, On the clients PC with LE, I have installed the LE version but receive the error "Incompatible scripts..." Server 6DHBA, Client 6DNNA when retrieving the orders.

            It appears that the OCCUpgrade.ini file is taken from the directory Actinic Ecommerce v6/OCCUpgrade, whilst the file is being taken from the "Actinic Ecommerce v6/Sites/Nepali/CommonOCC"

            Also, on the clients PC, the "Nepali" site is the generic "Site1"


            Ta in advance.


              This all sounds standard to me. OCCUpgrade.ini is just a file that provides upgrade instructions to Actinic when a new PSPSetup.exe file is installed. It is not used within the day-to-day operation of the site.

              So I take it that the customers site is called 'Site' rather than 'Nepali'? (And 'Nepali' was the site as it was called on your PC?).

              There shouldn't be a reference to 'Nepali' anywhere on your client's PC unless it is in 'Advanced | Additional Files'. Check that.

              Also, you could try copying all the *pm and *.pl files from your client's 'Original' folder into the 'Site1' folder and then upload again. Also copy all the *.pl files from the '\OCCUpgrade\CommonOCC' folder into the 'Site1\CommonOCC' folder.

              I seem to recall Protx require a little tweaking to the actual Perl script so you would need to re-apply this to the new script.

