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JScript error on site? (View basket?)

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    JScript error on site? (View basket?)

    Hi - on I'm getting an error report in the "online shop"

    I've reloaded actinicextras.js which might have been it, but no luck.

    Any ideas?

    Best - James
    James Gladwin

    Your Brochure Primary template is trying to load actiniccore.js from your PC's disk drive.

    Make sure the line

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="file:///C|/Program%20Files/Actinic%20Ecommerce%20v6/Sites/Site1/PreviewHTML/actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

    is just

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

    Moving on to your Catalog pages the file actinicextras.js seems to be missing some of the code (the getCookie function). Here's what it usually is.

    * getCookie		-	Generic Get Cookie routine
    function getCookie(name) 
    	{ 				// use: getCookie("name");
    	var cookiecrumbs = document.cookie.split("; "); 	// break cookie into crumbs array
        for (var i=0; i < cookiecrumbs.length; i++) 
          nextcrumb = cookiecrumbs[i].split("="); 		// break into name and value
          if (nextcrumb[0] == name) 			// if name matches
            return unescape(nextcrumb[1]); 			// return value
       return null;
    * getCartItem		-	Gets the Actinic Cart Value & No of Items
    //CART_CONTENT = Cookie name
    //1 = TOTAL_VALUE
    //3 = CART_COUNT
    function getCartItem(index)
    	var act_cart= getCookie("CART_CONTENT")
    	temp =(act_cart != null) ? temp=act_cart.split("\t"):0;
    	return (temp.length > 0) ? temp[index] : 0;
    * win	- calls up the WUP window
    function win()
    	msg ="paycash1.htm","","height = 507, width = 400, left = 378, top = 40");
    * GotoAnchor - JS for jumping to an anchor - some user agents don't handle
    *				anchors correctly if BASE HREF is present
    function GotoAnchor(sAnchor)
    	window.location.hash = sAnchor;

    PS your pages are rather wide. Not all your customers will have 1024 wide screens.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Norman - as ever - thanks a lot. Of course. Arrgghh - how simple when it's pointed out.

      (The wide screen is a sensitive issue - client is v. keen on it...)

      Best - James
      James Gladwin


        My screen is set to 1024 and its doesn't fit!

        I think you will need to be strict with your client!

        I've attached some site stats from one of my clients who I think has an average site visitor wise.

        These say that currently 55% of visitors are using 1024, whilst 32% are using 800. Last time I looked at these figures was at least a year ago when the split was even.

        So even though the trend is towards 1024 there's still the lot of people out there that you could alienate
        Attached Files


          [quote]55% of visitors are using 1024, whilst 32% are using 800[quote]

          I'll bet that's because lots of people are switching to flat panel LCD monitors where 1024x768 is the minimum spec.

          However, I'd tell that client that 1/3rd of possible business not being able to view the pages properly is a lot of lost opportunity.

          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            I know.. I know.. but here's the problem - the client is NOT web savvy.. very primitive in fact (hope this isn't archived for too long).. and is judging everything against print media.. which translates into "no scrolling and everything on one page.."

            Believe me, Ive tried to educate. That said - my mind's going blank - how straightforward is it to recode for a smaller screen?

            Best - James
            James Gladwin


              to recode for a smaller res is very easy because actinic sits in tables, so it is just a case of changing a few table widths.

              You could use % table widths. this means the site will fit the screen whatever the res. I tend to set the act_primary table width to 98%, this eliminates any chance of horizontal scrolling


                Jo, thanks. Sometimes I amaze myself - I'd just tumbled to that - but not the 98%.

                Best - James
                James Gladwin

