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Splitting orders in one shop

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    Splitting orders in one shop

    Hi there,

    I'm developing a site for a client with Developer v6.

    The client is a women's organisation. They hold a conference for members each year, and also sell a number of branded products. The brief was to create a secure online shop where people could book and pay for conference tickets, and buy products, using their credit cards.

    I selected Actinic as the best package to fulfill this brief, and have almost completed the site. However, while I was at the head office at the other end of the country installing their copy of Order Manager and showing them how to use it, they mentioned the following things:
    [list=1][*]they want conference bookings to go to one person in the office and all other purchases to go to another person[*]they would prefer the conference booking to be in the same style as the conference section of the website rather than the shop section of the website[*]they do not want the conference page to appear in the shop because they do not want people to place purchases for both things in one order (because of point 1)[*]the person who handles conference bookings charges a percentage handling fee, whereas the other purchases do not charge any handling fee[/list=1]

    I have explained why my preference is to use the shop layout and system to process all online orders:
    [list=1][*]you cannot have multiple download machines for one Actinic shop[*]even if you could have multiple download machines, it would not be possible to send orders for one product to one machine and all others to another[*]the handling fee can be treated as a "tax" in the set-up and just applied to the conference tickets, which would ensure it was only charged for them and not for all products[*]the checkout style cannot be changed for individual products, so even if I changed the template for the conference tickets, the checkout would still be in the style of the rest of the shop site. This switching of styles would be confusing for users and not build confidence in the online payment. It would build confidence more if all payments (whether for conference tickets or other products) went through exactly the same style and layout.[*]If I hid the conference page from the catalog homepage and the menu, it would still turn up in the search results and once someone had purchased tickets it would bounce them back to the shop homepage, not the conference page. This would also be confusing.[*]as orders can be processed in parts, and all payment details can be printed out, it is easy for two people in the same office to use one copy of Order Manager to process their own bits of an order separately[*]it is the cheapest option as it only requires one shop site, one copy of Order Manager, one domain name and one SSL certificate[/list=1]

    However, they seem determined... Internal politics...

    It seems to me that the only option is to set up an entirely separate shop for just the conference registration. This seems completely pointless, as they only take bookings for 3 months in each year, the identity of the conference changes each year so it will make it more expensive for the conference registration to be updated each year - instead of just altering product details the whole shop site will need re-designing to fit the conference style, etc etc.

    Can anyone help me in trying to come up with a way around?

    For example, is it possible to run two "shops" on the same domain name? (They would essentially be two parts of the same shop as it's the same organisation and bank details, but they would differ in style and in the person downloading the order, which I think would have to make them different Actinic "shops" with separate licences.) My guess would be no, as all Actinic shops use the same named folders and perl scripts then I don't see how two separate ones can be run on the same web space.

    So, if they are determined to have the conference booking in a different style and for all the other orders to go to a different person, do I have to purchase a separate domain name and hosting package with another SSL certificate just for the conference section?

    Does anyone have any other ideas?

    Sorry for the length of this message - I think I must have had some spleen to vent...


    If you use one copy of catalog you will only ever have one checkout and one machine downloading orders.

    I think your only choice is to have 2 licenses, which you can do on one domain. You have to ensure that each site sits in its own area. eg create a folder of the root called conference and create your cgi-bin within it.

    Thus you will have


    or you can put the first site in its own folder too


    In your network settings you will also set the CGI script no as 1 for the forst site and 2 for the second


      There is a free copy of Actinic available on Practical Web Projects Magazine this month, why don't they use this for their conferencing system and the purchased one for their other system. This free version is not upgradable and is limited to 25 products but should be fine. This would reduce costs which I suspect is the main problem.

      They are missing an opportunity to sell other products with conferences though.

      Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
      Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

      Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
      A4 Paper with one or two peel off labels, free reports available for our customers
      Product Mash for Sellerdeck
      Link to Google Shopping and other channels, increase sales traffic, prices from £29.95
      Multichannel order processing
      Process Actinic, Sellerdeck, Amazon, Ebay, Playtrade orders with a single program, low cost lite version now available from £19.95


        You should be able to separate the two shops using subdomains.

        for example and You will need two licences but as Jan says you could use a free copy of actinic 25 for the conference sales. (Although you'll be surprised how quickly the 25 product limit can be used up with dummy products for links etc).

        Cross selling of products shouldn't be a problem as you can probably just link across to the shop.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling




          First my apologies for such a long message yesterday and thank you for taking the time to read and reply - I re-read it myself after posting and realised it was far too long and rambly but couldn't edit it afterwards as the 30 minutes had timed out.

          Thanks to you all for your suggestions, I think I should be able to work something out using them, which is really wonderful as I had got quite stuck trying to think it through.

          Jo, thank you for pointing out the obvious solution - creating a sub-folder to hold another shop in with its own acatalog and cgi-bin. I just hadn't thought of this! I really had got to the point where I needed someone else to look at the problem with fresh eyes. I think I'll use the folders option rather than subdomains, but thanks for the suggestion Mike!

          Jan, thanks for the advice on getting a free copy of Actinic - the costs of setting up a whole shop just for one product were really putting me off. I don't think the clients had quite considered it fully, but they should be pleased to hear about this option. I agree they're missing out on a sales opportunity, but this seems to be the way they want to run it, so I can't argue!

          Just a few questions:
          • do you know of the best bet for a stockist of Practical Web Projects? I've had trouble finding web magazines in my area before. Do most WHSmiths sell it?
          • Is the free copy Order Manager, or Catalog/ Business?
          • Is there a time limit on use of the free copy, or is it just the two restrictions you mention - max 25 products and no upgrades?
          • Do product components count as products in terms of calculating the product limit?

          Thanks again to everyone. You've been a great help.



            do you know of the best bet for a stockist of Practical Web Projects? I've had trouble finding web magazines in my area before. Do most WHSmiths sell it?
            WH Smith is your best bet.

            Is the free copy Order Manager, or Catalog/ Business?
            it is catalog

            Is there a time limit on use of the free copy, or is it just the two restrictions you mention - max 25 products and no upgrades?
            no time limit, no upgrades

            Do product components count as products in terms of calculating the product limit?
            componets do not count as products

            But here is the sting in the can't install it onto a PC with another copy of catalog. So you will have to find a way around the developing of the site, but you will be ok to install it to download conference orders since that PC will only be running the one copy


              I saw it in Smiths at the weekend - I was looking for Internet Works which they didn't have of course, typical. It costs £4.99. I haven't installed a copy but if it is the same as the last free one then it will be a version of 6.0.1 so as Jo said you will have to install it in a virtual machine on your main machine or onto a test machine.

              Components will only count as products if you have created hidden products to link them to for stock control or variable component pricing.

              Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
              Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

              Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
              A4 Paper with one or two peel off labels, free reports available for our customers
              Product Mash for Sellerdeck
              Link to Google Shopping and other channels, increase sales traffic, prices from £29.95
              Multichannel order processing
              Process Actinic, Sellerdeck, Amazon, Ebay, Playtrade orders with a single program, low cost lite version now available from £19.95


                Hello again,

                I used Developer to develop the main shop, so I was planning on using it for the conference shop as well, then taking a snapshot of the site to import into the second computer at their head office.

                However, the copy of Developer I used belongs to the company I've been working with on this project, so I have to go to their offices to work on it. As the free software is Catalog, could I install it on my home computer for the purposes of developing the site, take a snapshot when it's finished, uninstall it from mine, then install it on the client's computer and import the snapshot? This would be more convenient for me as I currently have another freelance project on in the daytimes, and I could work on this one at home in the evenings. Is this possible, and does Catalog have a similar degree of control over design and text settings as Developer?



