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Website Updates - Security

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    Website Updates - Security

    I'm having my site updated and also the catalog.

    The designers are requesting the whole site1 dir for the update but I do not want them to see any orders pending or completed and also any of our networ settings or for that fact our security key.

    Just purely for a precautionary measure.

    Whats the best way of giving them the Site 1 dir to do their modifications without this info? Obviously I will need to update our unmodified site with the new site1 dir when they return it.

    What would be the best way of incorporating the changes they have made and also reinserting all the security and network settings?

    Would this be a hierarchical import or would it just be easier to send them the site1 dir on CD as requested?

    Am I being too cautious here?



    If I was your designer and you did not trust me with these details then I would tell you to go find someone else to do it. Our job can be difficult enough without extra barriers.

    You must have reservations about the designers before you are thinking like this. Are they are Limited Co.

    You could copy your site1 directory then use blank databases to send to them.
    Owner of a broken heart


      Thanks Gary,

      no, they are not a Ltd Co. But their woork does look good and theyve done a good job so far.

      As with any business owner, I guess I'm just being protective against giving away all our network and security settings. I'm definately not trying to put up barriers.


        being protective against giving away all our network and security settings.
        They should really manage to work without these
        Owner of a broken heart


          You could export your settings to a file and then replace all of your settings with a localhost setup and then send them the site1 directory.


            Your security settings (Housekeeping / Security) are held in the Registry and not anywhere in Site1. So they'll not be able to touch your new orders. They will have your existing order database though.

            Also if you go to Advanced / Network setup and clear your FTP user name and password (write them down first) before sending them Site1 then they have no way of changing anything on your site. Don't forget to put them back afterwards.

            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

